Peter & Peyton's Wedding Day

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Dylan(18), Diane(18), Kayden(18), Kathleen(18), Robert(18), Sharleen(18), David(18), Addison(17), Peter(17), Peyton(17), Barry(20), Kelly(19), Mellon(15), Noel(14), Radley(13)

On November 5 of 1923, it was Peter and Peyton's wedding day. Peyton was at her house, getting ready with her family, Peter's mother and sisters. Peter was pacing back and forth in the living room at his parents' home, with his youngest brothers Mellon, Noel and Radley sitting on the arm of the chair. "Aw man, I'm so nervous." Peter spoke.

"Why?" Mellon asked. "Peyton is really cute. She's very special to you."

Peter smiled at him and pats his shoulder.

"Thanks Melly." Peter smiled.

Mellon chuckled at the nickname.

"But I don't wanna mess up or what if I say my vow wrong?" He said.

"You're not." They looked over to see Peter's older brothers Barry and Kelly walking over to them. "Petey, all you need to do is calm your nerves and think of the future." Barry told him.

"I know, but what if I say something wrong?" Peter asked again.

Barry and Kelly chuckled at their brother.

"You're not, little brother." Kelly tells him. "You're gonna do great. Remember when me and Alaina got married."

"Yeah, but you guys weren't a nervous wreck like I am." Peter told them.

Barry chuckles at him.

"Kiddo..." He said, giving him the look.

"Ok, ok, I'm gonna...I'm gonna try and be cool." Peter says.

They chuckled at him as Kelly pats his back.

"That's my boy!" Kelly grinned.

"So big bro, when will I be Uncle Melly again?" Mellon asked with a smirk.

They chuckled at him.

"Come on, let's get going." Peter laughs. "Dad's waiting in the car."

They walked outside to meet up with everyone else. Even though Peter was a nervous wreck, but he couldn't wait to marry his angel. His Peyton.

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