Mortis finally wakes up...

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Six months passed since the accident. Frank still hasn't fully moved on but he is happier than he was five months ago. He was hanging out with Abby who is not his best friend anymore, but his girlfriend (Yass bois our Franklin has bitches)! Suddenly, he got a call from the doctor. "Hello, is this uhh... Francis? I'm talking to?" the doctor said. "Yes, that's me. What do you need?" Frank responded. "Oh! Great! I wanted to inform you that Mortis woke up but... He lost all his memories..." the doctor said. Frank looked slightly sad, but he was happy that Mortis is awake now. "Alright, thanks doc. When can he leave the hospital?" Frank asked. The doctor replied with "You can come pick him up tomorrow. We need to make sure that he's okay before letting him leave."

Abby heard everything and said "Look at the bright side! He is awake and can leave tomorrow! Isn't this the only thing you've wanted for the past six months?" to which Frank responded with "I know but... How am I supposed to explain to him that I'm his brother?! We don't even look alike!" Abby came closer to him and hugged him. "Everything is going to be alright. Just calm down, imagine something you love."

Frank calmed down slightly. "Wanna go watch something on Netflix?" Abby asked him while holding his hand. "Sure..." Frank said. They went to her mansion (did I mention Abby is a trillionaire?) and decided to watch the movie Savages. (It is a Croatian movie, I even met the film producer. He's friends with my dad!)

They fell asleep halfway into the movie and just stayed there on her bed on top of eachother (Abby was laying on top of her boyfriend you nasty pervert) and her parents came in to turn off her TV.

Alright the next part is next month, deal with it.

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