Mortis and the Baker's cyst

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Hello, I decided to tell you about my experience with the Baker's cyst but I decided to do it with Mortis.

Almost two months ago...

Mortis just woke up and just as he was about to stretch, he felt a sharp pain in his knee. He could only limp and it was a Sunday. Just before they left for church, he told Iggy about the pain. Everyone thought it was nothing so they didn't do anything about it and the pain didn't go away. Two weeks later, Frank has had enough and took him to a doctor. They went to Goran Moro because he was a professional. Moro did tell Frank and Iggy to lose some weight because they're both fat. Not really though. They did an ultrasound and found a small cyst in the shape of a mandarin. Goran said it was a Baker's cyst but they would need further investigation to know what they would do about it. They showed 3 needles into Mortis' knee and he cried so much his tears had tears and those tears had tears. He barely let out a sound though as he was unable to and Frank and Iggy were staring at him scared for dear life. They sent two samples to patology and microbiology. One week later they were back with the results and they already got an appointment for an MRI. They'll go to the MRI on the 6th of April and until then Mortis (and I) has to deal with the pain however he can.

April 6th

Mortis just got to the MRI and changed into shorts. The doctor made him lay with his legs stiff and put some weird heavy thing on it. In the machine Mortis' leg couldn't stop twitching from the pain and the doctor yelled at him. It was the worst experience for Mortis because he couldn't even cry. After he got out, the doctor berated him for moving but didn't let him explain. Mortis was already crying and the doctors berating made him feel worse. But to make it worse for him, their car broke down. Frank called someone to drop off Mortis at Iggy's house (wait did I ever even include Iggy?) and he stayed there at the hospital. They had plans to go& shopping but now they can't. Mortis almost broke down again multiple times and pressured himself to stay calm.

April 14th

Mortis just went to the hospital. He and Frank waited for about an hour and Iggy came and waited with them for half an hour. They were let in at around 12:30. They came in and they were told that it was indeed a Baker's cyst and they didn't need to do anything about it and have to come back in one year for a check up. They then went shopping and bought a smart watch which took a lot of time and stress. Mortis was happy with it and Frank was happy as long as Mortis was.

April 30th

It was early in the morning, Frank, Iggy and Mortis just woke up. Mortis made them some coffee and as they were talking, Frank said "Maybe we could send Mortis to a physical therapist." Mortis looked over at him confused as Frank continued "(insert random woman's name) said that she sent her daughter to that physical therapist and maybe we could send Mortis there because his cyst is like a spongey one and not like the one that you could squeeze out." Iggy responded: "Well even if it was squeezed out, it would come back." As they talked Mortis' confusion grew and he pulled out his phone to play Solitaire and ignored the conversation.

May 4th

Mortis was awfully sick that day but had to go to the physical therapist either way. At 4:23PM, Frank told him to get in the car. First they drove to a gas station to fill up their car and then went to Široki Brijeg where they noticed was nobody's favorite traffic the roundabout was pretty much out of reach for 15 to 20 minutes. They then went to a mechanic to see Mortis' car and they stayed there for another 20 minutes. When they were done they hopped into the car and drove off. When they arrived at the physical therapy clinic they noticed they were a single minute late. A SINGLE MINUTE LATE. A woman came out five minutes later and said the power was out so they had to wait. They waited for like 40 minutes and were finally called in. The therapist immediately noticed that Mortis was limping very awkwardly after asking him to take his shoes off and to walk he said that his walking is making it worse. After declaring that, Mortis was asked to take his pants off. Frank noticed how uncomfortable Mortis was so he asked: "Uhh can he simply lift his trousers up?" The therapist unfortunately said no and Mortis had to take his pants off. Luckily unlike some weird people Mortis actually wears underwear which is honestly the worst thing to forget when going to any kind of doctor or physical therapist. When asked where it hurts the most which is the area under his knee he was told to lay on his stomach. The doctor was kind of massaging his knee and boy was it uncomfortable. He was complaining the whole time because it hurt. After a few more "Get up and walk" and weird massaging the therapist asked him to lower himself to his feet hang off the bed. Of course he couldn't straighten his leg so he had to hold it up mid air. The therapist tried desperately to straighten it which he succeeded in but it HURT and he held it like that for 15 minutes and then told him to walk once again. But this time slowly with small steps. (We reached 1000 words, "small" was the 1000th word) And low and behold, he was apparently walking better. They paid 40 convertible marks (that's my countries currency) and in the hallway was Vajdana (that's my aunt's name and I'll make her Mortis and Frank's aunt for this story). She was also there because of her leg and unsurprisingly their uncle drove her there with his blue Mercedes in which you don't even feel the road (I'm not lying, when I ride in it I never feel the road) and after a small talk Mortis mentioned it was cold so Frank told him to go to the car. The ugly old gray Corsa that Mortis hates. They arrived home at 7PM and Mortis felt dizzy, nauseous, his leg hurt and it was cold and his throat hurt. He took a pill, grabbed a blanket and watched the TV a little and then Frank gave him some Nutella with bread and milk and after eating he fell asleep and was woken up at 8:43 to move to his room.

May 8th

Mortis went to the physical therapist again at 3PM. They did arrive late but who cares, they're paying. He wore a pair of shorts this time so he would feel more comfortable. They noticed how much his walk has improved as he can now walk almost like he used to! Mortis was excited aswell and after massaging his leg for like 10 minutes and telling him to walk around the room a little they moved him to another room to go to some white bed where they hooked up some machine I guess? Well it was a message bed, what else do I need to say? And they kept him there for then minutes turning it up three times and he was yet again asked to walk. They said that he'll need to come at Wednesday and probably Friday and they'll be done. He walks almost normally now. They charged them 40KM (my countries currency) and they went home to drink some coffee. They also heard that someone's house was in Dušice (the town the physical therapist is located) and they looked for a house that looked like a castle. It looked a bag of poop. They arrived home at around 4PM and they settled on not telling anyone they found that house or know about the house.

May 10th

Iggy and Mortis were playing chess before Mortis had to go and Mortis got ready to go to the physical therapist just in time. They made their way to a gas station in Široki Brijeg and low and behold there was traffic. They were stuck for over half an hour and told the physical therapist that they'll be late. They arrived at 5:24PM and immediately messaged. They came in, Mortis walked a little, they massaged him and told him to come on the 31st at 5PM. Nothing special.

May 31st

That day, Mortis was experiencing a bit of leg pain as well as his leg getting stiffened forcing him to limp again. It quickly passed and he went to the physical therapist. They came in, did the usual and he was told to do excercises he was shown for 1 to 2 months. The excercises were just simple stretching once a day. Nothing special. They then hooked him up on the massage bed and he stayed there for a bit. After it turned off, they went to pay and left. Mortis is slowly recovering and will soon be able to walk properly, stand properly, run because he lost that ability from the cyst, he will also go up and down the stairs with ease and all that stuff. And that will be hopefully the second to last update, the last update is the check-up in a year.

This will all end soon and I'm hoping you guys enjoy this part as I'm trying to update it how much ever I can. I decided to change the "This is all I currently have blah blah blah" because it's been much longer than two months now. Almost 4 months at the moment.

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