"Why are all of you so weird?"

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Frank and Mortis came home and Mortis noticed that on top of the mansion were glowing green letters that said "Mortis' Mortuary". He turned to Frank and asked "Why does it say my name on it?" Frank looked up and said "Because you're the owner of the mansion, you said that you prefer calling it a mortuary because you're a mortician." Mortis looked over at Frank and up at the top of the mortuary. He suddenly started to look confused. "Whose hat is that?" he asked. Frank looked around and asked "What hat?" to which Mortis responded with "That one up there!" pointing up.

Frank looked more confused than ever and asked "How did you notice that, we've been looking for your hat for years!"

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Frank looked more confused than ever and asked "How did you notice that, we've been looking for your hat for years!"

Mortis stared for 20 seconds and asked "I have a hat..?" Frank nodded and said "Let's go inside for now." Mortis looked around again and said "Alright.." They went inside and Mortis noticed various paintings of people done in different styles. All of them were signed with his name. He pulled Frank by his shirt and asked "Who are these people in paintings and why are they all signed with my name?" Frank looked at the paintings and said "They are all your past lovers and they're singed with your name because you're the one who painted it. You used to love art."

Mortis didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry because he was confused and the house looked like a maze. Frank noticed that Mortis was confused so he showed him the most important rooms, their bedrooms, the kitchen, the living room and the place where he could do his job in peace. Frank also mentioned to him that he used to hate washing dishes and doesn't have to do it if he doesn't want to.

Okay, good sh!t. Next part is gonna be a special one for my birthday.

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