I only consider you a friend because...

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Starr Park, 11:49AM

Mortis and Bea were just casually talking until Bea suddenly asked: "Why do you consider me a friend?"
Mortis responded to that with: "Uhh... It's because you're such a sweet and kind person...!"
Bea smiled and said: "Well I consider you a friend because you're so wise and cool!"
Mortis giggled nervously and said: "Thanks..!" while looking around. He suddenly thought to himself: "Girl I don't even care about you, I'm only your friend because of your peanut butter and honey sandwiches."

Starr Studio, 12:02PM

Abby and Frank were bobbling like those grandma's at church when suddenly Abigail asked the two of them: "Why are you two friends? Just curious." Frank looked quite surprised and confused by the question and said: "Well I'm friends with her because she's really nice to be around I guess." and Abby nervously looked to the floor and said: "I'm friends with him because he's a cool guy and we have a lot in common!" and she suddenly looked around and thought: "I actually couldn't care less if we have the same interests, he's so hot I want to f#@k him right now..."

Starrcade, 3:56PM

8-bit was playing on his Xbox and the Xbox suddenly started speaking "I only consider you a friend because you're here every day and I'm a device that can't move on it's own and you're actually my slave taking care of me." 8-bit was staring at it like "What the actual hell" and got up to go to the bathroom and cry.

Who would you like to reveal the reason to why they're friends next?

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