Abba is a simp

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Abby and Abba were talking the day after the wedding and said she couldn't get her eyes off of Freya the whole time. Abby was surprised and Frank straight up said "You can have her, if you want to you can impregnate her and she will have your kids and she will die" and Abby looked at him with the angriest face on Earth. "Boy, we're talking about your sister!" Abby screamed. Frank responded with: "So what? I couldn't care less about her or any one of my siblings except Mortis." Abba got excited and asked: "Does that mean I can ask her out!?" and Abby immediately screamed: "Oh absolutely not!!!"

Some time passed by and Abba saw Freya. She immediately ran over to Freya and blurted out the words: "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, BE MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!" Freya was too stunned to speak so she mumbled out: "Sure.." with her face bright red. Abba immediately got down to give her mouth to mouth. Mortis was talking with Murray, looked over for a second and saw Abba on top of Freya on the ground. Murray looked over aswell to see what's going on and started staring like Mortis in disbelief.

5 minutes later

Freya woke up and saw Abba getting beat up by Abby, Frank trying to separate the two, Mortis and Murray still in disbelief and Iggy trying to get their minds off of the sight. She got up and was like "What the actual hell is going on!?" And everyone looked at her for a split second and continued doing what they were doing before she interrupted them.

Later that day, Freya came over to Abba's to drop off some things, walked inside Abba's room and saw pictures of her (Freya) on the wall. She dropped everything on the ground and ran away screaming. She later got a text from Abba asking for naked pictures and Freya went to Walmart, got the Naked juice (Naked is the brand name), came home and sent her a picture of a bottle of Naked. Abba did have a good laugh but was furious because she wanted nudes.

Hate me all you want, also the next part is AU explanation.

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