Iggy the best chess player

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Hi, this chapter will be only for laughs and giggles. If your favorite brawler is here, sorry but my followers chose them.

The long lost chess board

Iggy was just casually in Mortis' room with Mortis and Frank and all of a sudden Iggy asked if they had a chess board. Frank said they had one but Mortis likely threw it out. Iggy went to check and low and behold, there was a chess board. He decided to challenge the both of them and they both kept losing and losing. He eventually thought "Why not challenge people who actually played it before?" He asked a few people and finally found a person.

Iggy vs Colt

Iggy and Colt sat down and set it up. Colt was a fool and immediately went for the queen's pawn (D4) and Iggy told him how foolish he is. They continued on and everything seemed to shine bright for Colt until he got into a garanteed loss. He was furious, Iggy died of laughter. Colt was furious and ran away crying. Everyone made fun of him and it was truly a funny sight.

Iggy vs Sprout

Rosa was desperate to find out how good at chess would a robot be so she asked Sprout to play against Iggy. Sprout immediately went for a 4 move checkmate method but Iggy didn't fall for that one and won either way. Sprout said it was a very interesting way of deffense. If you want to know, first you move the king's pawn two fields ahead, the queen's pawn one field ahead, the queen over to I think A6? And a bishop to I'm not sure, it was in front of a knight. Doesn't matter, it is counterable and my brother thought I'd fall for it.

Iggy vs Willow

Iggy challenged Willow, she made dumb moves, didn't know anything and ended up being killed by Frank. She doesn't deserve to live. Teal, why did you request her?

Iggy vs Carl

Carl the nerd wanted to challenge Iggy and it was quite intense but very annoying because Carl kept talking and talking. Carl even tried to checkmate Iggy but lost like everyone else. Carl started throwing a tantrum and Iggy slapped him. Go Igor Zaklani!

Iggy vs Otis

I don't even have to write anything, he splashed Iggy in the face after splashing the chess pieces thinking he'll win that way by making Iggy's king fall over. That failed and his king fell instead.

Iggy vs Maisie

Fang and Buster purposely challenged Maisie to go play chess against Iggy. They both grabbed popcorn and watched. Maisie knew nothing about chess so she asked Iggy about it. He explained and the game begun. Maisie kept making dumb moves and Iggy kept saying "Take that move back and think it through" and she never understood what he wanted her to do and Iggy kept banging his head on the same spot on the same wall seeing how dumb people who don't know how to play are. Fang and Buster kept laughing and Mortis took a pair of crocs and said "I will send you to Jesus" with a stereotypical Asian accent and threw them both at Fang and Buster. Those two continued playing and low and behold, Maisie... Lost. She lost like everyone.

I was lazy with this one because I wanted to make a new chapter for you guys. Thank you for reading!

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