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I'll try to make this one humorous but it's a more non-humor related chapter.

It was a normal day, everyone was going on with their lives. Some were working, some relaxing but overall nothing special was happening... Except for Frank who bought a pomeranian just to have it take a shit in Milošević's backyard.

Later that day, when Mortis was working, a strange tall man with glasses came from behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Mortis turned around and looked up at him. "How can I help you?" Mortis asked politely, but the answer wasn't too polite... "Tell me where Francis Schwarzenegger is." The man answered with a low voice. Feeling threatened, Mortis remained silent and reached for his shovel. Just as the man was about to speak again, he was hit with a different shovel by someone from behind. The person who hit him was Mortis' coworker, Panos. "You good, Mort?" Panos asked while coming closer worriedly. "Yes, thank you..." Mortis answered with a polite smile. Another one of their coworkers ran to the scene and asked "What's happening, who is that?" Mortis and Panos looked at him and Mortis answered in a soft voice "I don't know... He was asking where my brother is but I don't trust him... Do you mind helping us dispose of him, Isaiah?" Isaiah looked down at the man and up at the two of them before shrugging. "Sure." He answered nonchalantly. They carried the man to the nearby forest and left him there before running away.

2 hours later, Starr Park

It's been two hours. The man woke up and started searching on his own. Meanwhile, Frank was in the park, seemingly waiting for someone. The man crept up from behind and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Told you I'd find you, Francis..." the man said with a low and menacing voice. Frank turned around to face him. "Looks like devil Kondraki is here..." Frank said while looking him straight in the eyes. "Aww... Not calling me Konny anymore?" Kondraki smirked. Frank scoffed and pushed him away. "Says the one that paid me just to be called by that nickname."
While they kept arguing, Abby, who Frank was waiting for came and saw them. She hid and waited in case Kondraki tried to do anything shady before she grabbed a pot of boiling water and splashed it on Kondraki. He ended up with third and second degree burns and she bailed herself out of jail and ended up sending Kondraki to jail instead.

Sorry for making this look like a c.ai conversation. Thank you for reading!

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