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"It's really difficult to call you now these days. It's either you won't answer or your phone is dead." Lisa started. She's not clingy, she knows that but she's certain that Irene is for some reason, ignoring her.

She shut her laptop and turn her swivel chair. She was taking a short 15 min break after working continuously. Her eyes were tired and lonely.

"Sorry, I'm really busy." Irene answered in a low tone.

Lisa sighed and she held her face annoyed.

"What is it." She coldly asked, not helping at the situation.

"What do you mean?" Irene asked innocently.

"What happened?"

"Did I do something wrong? Something that you didn't like? Tell me, please." Lisa stood up and she pulled the blind curtains to see the view of sunset.

It was a relaxing view but the lady was frustrated.

"Nothing- of course. I'm just a little busy."

"Little huh? You know what I felt like? I feel that you are doing this on purpose. Ignoring me. So I can lose all my patience and snap on you and then you will take that as a chance to break up with me." Lisa said hurt. How can Irene become like this? Was she only infatuated and it's all over now?

She's not dumb. She can feel something was up with Irene.

"Is there someone new, Irene?" Lisa asked begging.

Irene didn't answered. Her hands were cold and her lips were quivering.

"None, of course not."

"Then what happened to you? The last time I was with you, you don't want me to leave but right now, it's so difficult to get a hold you. That shouldn't be our problem right? I thought you love me?!" Lisa asked like a kid. She was getting impatient and ready to snap anytime, just like what she have said earlier.

"The thing is-" Irene paused, wanting to take a deep breath.

"What." Lisa was starting to get upset.

"Tell me, Irene!"

"I'm tired of chasing you, asking you things, getting angry of not getting anything from you, and then you pretend that I am the crazy one, that nothing was going on when there's really something ruining us!" Lisa started to cry.

"We're just five months dating, Irene. What could get wrong in that short period of time? I am doing my best." Lisa said between her sobs.

"I wanted to break up with you." Irene shakily said.

Lisa heard it and her mouth hang open. Her eyes were wide open in shock.

"You heard me? I want to break up with you." Irene repeated with more firm tone.

"I'll drop the call. I'll face time you, open your camera." Lisa said, as if she didn't hear those words.

"No, Lisa-"

"I will drop this call and you will facetime me. I want to see your face while you say it to me." Lisa said and Irene heard a rumbling sound.

"No, once you drop this call. I won't answer again, ever." Irene firmly stated. Tears were continuously rolling on her cheeks.

"Why are you doing this?" Lisa asked weakly.

"I haven't seen your face for so long." Lisa cried.

"Lis, tell me that you understand me, that we are over." Irene said, she started to cry hysterically and she starts to regret her decision but it was for the best. The guilt was eating her alive.

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