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"Are you fucking kidding me?"

Annoyed, Alice rolled her eyes. When her father told her about the school for good and evil he mentioned a huge dark castle. He talked about the lessons where you learn how to become the next super villain and how to destroy families, kingdoms and countries.

But he never told Alice about the lake she just got thrown in. Her blond hair was wet and her wet clothes made her shiver.

"Damn you!" she spoke to herself before she shook her head and made her way out of the water. She could hear other new arrives scream when they got thrown into the water and the loud splash when they broke through the surface of the water.

Alice tightened her shoulders before she followed some other new students into the dark castle and into the school for evil.

When she walked through the high hall she couldn't stop admiring the architecture of the castle. She looked over the rough platterns, the iron candlesticks and-

Alice who was full in awe of the castle didn't watched out where she was going which was why she bumped into a person. Into a red haired woman to be exact.

"S-sorry, ma'am. I-"

"Can't you watch out?!"

A shiver went down Alice' spine when she heard the womans voice. Shortly after, the redhead turned around to look at Alice, an annoyed gaze stuck on her pretty face.

"Oh. Well hello little princess. Don't you think that you're at the wrong castle?" The redhead asked mockingly and leaned on the cane she was holding in her hand. Alice couldn't help but blush.

"Well- I- eh-" she tried to reply but was cut off by the redhead who took her cane and pushed Alice away from herself with it.

"Back up little princess. We don't want to get your little dress dirty, do we?" The woman asked sarcastically and once again Alice couldn't say a single word. She indeed was speechless from the elder woman who looked at her annoyed.

"Your name?"


"No no, princess. Actually... You know what? I wanna guess it!"

Alice narrowed her eye browes. She was confused of how fast the woman in front of her switched from annoyed to excited.

"I don't think you'll get my-"

"Alice... Gold... Daughter of-"

"That's kind of creepy, ma'am!" Alice interruped the redhead who smiled slightly.

"So I guessed it?"

The woman bowed down to Alice so that both of them were on the same eye level.

"I always do, princess." The woman said with a smirk on her lips before moving back to her original position. Her facial expressions had switched back to an annoyed and cold gaze.

"Now please excuse me, little princess. I have fresh villainy to attend-"

"Excuse me?"

Both - Alice and the woman looked up and saw a blond haired girl hedding near them. Alice threw a last gaze at the redhead who sighed in annoyance before turning to the blond girl. Alice made her way to the side where she stood for a moment and took a deep breath. How crazy was this whole situation?

First, she landed in a cold lake. After that she bumped into the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her whole life. In addition, she got cut off many times which wasn't usual for her. Normally, she was the one to cut other people off while they were speaking. But Alice was just to overwhelmed by the redhaired woman and. Wait- why was she thinking such weird stuff?

Confused, Alice shook her head. One thing definitely was clear: If the redhead would be a teacher of her Alice definitely would fail her class because of her impossibility to answer to one of her questions without stuttering or blushing.


Alice quickly looked up to see the redhead standing in front of all the new arrivers.

"If you open your tiny little bloodshot eyes you'll find your dormitory and class schedules around the hall. It would serve you well to memorize both. Make me proud."

And with those words, the woman crashed her cane on the ground making a loud sound before leaving the hall dramatically.

After she left, Alice let go of her breath she didn't knew she was holding. She still had goosebumps all over her body.

"Do you want to stay here all day, little princess?"

Alice slightly flinched as one of the wolf guards yelled at her. Angrily, she looked up at him.

"If you don't want to be a little helpless puppy you should shut your mouth, dog."

And with that she turned on her heel and made her way to the lists with the dormitories.


Well hello to the first chapter of this fanfic.
I hope, you'll like it :)
I must say that English isn't my first language but I'll try my very best to not make any mistakes in grammar or spelling. I would be grateful for any tips or critics in any way :)
– Lissy

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