T W E N T Y - O N E

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Three days had passed and Alice was beginning to feel better. While she spent the days in her room - Lesso had strictly forbidden her to attend classes in her condition - she spent the nights with the red-haired dean. Lesso always smuggled tea and other things from dinner for her. At night Alice slept in Lesso's arms, pressed close to her.

Slowly, Alice opened her eyes. A stray ray of sunshine caught her eye and, grumbling, she turned and pressed her nose against Lesso's chest.

A raspy chuckle escaped Lessos lips as she wrapped her arms around Alice' body and pulled her closer.

"What's the matter, Darling?" She asked and a shiver went down Alice' spine by hearing her rough morning voice.

"The sun." Alice muffled and inhaled her deans scent. She loved waking up in Lessos arms.

"I know Darling. It's awful." Lesso said and pressed a kiss on Alice forhead.

"Stop mocking me."

"I would never dare, Darling." Lesso said in a sarcastic serious tone. Alice rolled her eyes and looked up at the dean.

"You're nasty."

An evil grin spread on Lessos lips.

"I'm the dean of the school for Evil, Darling."

Alice chuckled as she sat up and looked down at her.

"You may be the dean... but this won't stop me from calling you cute, dearie."

Lesso rolled her eyes. Since Alice'd called her cutie two days ago and Lesso had reacted to it, Alice kept calling her cute.

Lesso laid her hands on Alice waist, smirking as she noticed the slight blush on her cheeks.

Without saying a word, Lesso's hand slipped under the t-shirt Alice had been wearing that night. She didn't let her girl out of her sight and waited for her reaction, which came promptly.
With satisfaction, Lesso felt goosebumps under her fingers, which increased when she began to stroke the sensitive skin on Alice's stomach in circular movements.

A soft moan escaped Alice's lips as she leaned on her hands and closed her eyes in relish.

"Do you like that, Darling?" Lesso asked with her raspy voice.

Out of breath, Alice nodded. A disappointed sigh escaped her when Lesso abruptly pulled her hands out from under her shirt again.

"Use your words, Darling!" The dean commanded as she sat up. Alice opened her eyes again.

"Please don't stop touching me, Lady Lesso!"

"As you wish."

With those words, Lesso leaned forward and pressed her lips against Alice'.

She felt Alice clasp her hands behind her neck. With a smile, Lesso grabbed Alice's shoulders and pushed her into the pillows. A soft gasp escaped Alice's lips, but then changed into a moan as Lesso sat on Alice's lap, directly above her midsection.

Lesso slowly began kissing her way from Alice's lips to her neck. She enjoyed Alice lolling beneath her, moaning softly whenever Lesso left a small love bite on her neck and how she tangled her hands in Lesso's red hair.

Both, Alice and Lesso, felt the desire for each other, lust was written in their eyes, but they should not experience redemption today.

A loud energetic knock interrupted them and hard breathing, they stopped.

"You did hear the knock as well, right?" Alice muttered under her breath, still trying to regulate her breathing. Lesso nodded when the knock was heard again.

"Stay here, Darling. I'll be right back." Lesso promised before she stood up and took her coat. After she let glow up her finger so that she looked like she was all ready and didn't sleep she threw a last loving gaze towards Alice before she quickly left her bedroom and went to open the door.

Alice heard how she opened it.

The blond haired girl took a deep breath before she sat up as well. A deep blush spread over her face as she realised what she and Lesso just had done. She felt like sinking into the ground. How she had moaned under Lesso and how she had wanted more. If it weren't for that damn interruption, then...

Then what? Would she and Lesso have slept together uninhibitedly? Would they have just kept making out and nothing more? What would have happened?

Alice buried her face in her hands in frustration.

"Damn it." she grumbled before raising her head again and looking out the window. The sun was now fully up and bathed the dean's bedroom in a pleasant light.

Alice smiled as she carefully swung her legs over the edge of the bed and headed for the bathroom door, which was recessed on the other side of the room

There, Alice was washing her face for a moment when she suddenly heard the bedroom door slam open and two people entering the room.

"As you can see, nobody is here!" came the annoyed voice of Lesso.

"Lesso, don't pretend!"

"Why should I? Who should be here?"

"How about your student Alice Gold?"

Alice winced when she heard Dovey's voice say those words. How did the other dean come up with that?


"Lesso please. You've changed since she's here. You smile more, are much more affable with your students. I noticed the looks you gave each other at dinner and at the ceremony. I noticed how you took small portions from dinner with you and since only Alice Gold is ill at the moment, it can only be for her. Plus you wouldn't let a plain sick student sleep over with you. And before you ask: Who needs sheets twice alone?"


"Let her come out, Lesso. I guess she's hiding somewhere."

Alice heard Lesso sigh in surrender before carefully exiting the bathroom. Immediately the eyes of the deans settled on her.

Dovey smiled cautiously.

"Alice, dear. How are you?"

Alice swallowed.

"Better. Thanks."

Lesso turned back to Dovey.

"What are you implying, Dovey?"

Dovey raised her eyebrows

"Well, since you two are so close-"

"I don't love her." a snort of disdain followed and Alice blinked.

"Nevers don't love, Dovey. We don't need love. It's repulsive and garbage-"

"I have to go. G-goodbye," Alice whispered, just loud enough for the two deans to hear, before hurrying out of Lesso's rooms.

Outside she started running. Hot tears ran down her face, followed by sobs and an aching heart.

If Lesso didn't love her, why had she cared for her like that? Then why had she kissed her and held her in her arms?

"She did it because I wanted her to, Alice Gold."


Hii :)
First of all: Sorry!
I had a lot to do for school and privately but I try my very best to get back writing and updating in a regular way!!
I'll tell you straight away that the next chapter probably won't come for another three weeks - because then I finally have vacation time and can finally concentrate on Watty, on writing and on Alice and Leonora again. I hope you can wait that long.

But are you all alright?

I hope you liked the chapter.
It was my first time writing a makeout scene - I hope it wasn't too cringe🥲
If you guys have any tips for improvement I'd be glad to hear them...

Lot's of love and again a big sorry
– Lissy

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