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A slight knock caught Alice attention.

The girl sat up in her bed and eyed the door. She was wondering who would come to knock at her room door in the middle of the night.


"Alice? It's me, Sophie."

Immediately, Alice put her book on the bedside table and with a move of her hand the door unlocked itself and let the reader in.

"I hope, I didn't woke you up?" Sophie asked as she entered the room. Alice smiled before she patted the spot next to her to signalise Sophie to sit down beside her.

"Evil doesn't need any sleep, Sophie. So no, don't worry. But why are you here? As a reader, you should be asleep right now..?"

Alice looked at Sophie who sat next to her. Carefully, she covered Sophie with her blanket. Sophie leaned her head against Alice right shoulder.

"Well... My roommates aren't that... happy about me being there."

"What happend?"

"I pissed a girl named Hether of. And I mean what I say. I really pissed her off."

"How did you piss her off?" Alice asked calmly and started to stroke Sophie's back. Under her hand, she could feel the reader relaxing.

"I... uh... kind of insulted her mum?"

"Who's her mum?"

"The witch from 'Hansel and Gretel' I called her an 'disgusting old hag'"

Alice chuckled by the imagination.

"Well well... You do have some sort of... evil talking, Sophie." she said and looked down to the reader.

Sophie shrugged her shoulders slightly.

Alice smiled watching her, still stroking her back.

"Get some rest, Sophie. The night isn't that long anymore and you need sleep. I'll watch out that you won't get bewitched by Hester."

Although she finished her sentence teasingly, she meant what she said.

And so, it didn't take long untill Sophie fell asleep.

For the rest of the night, Alice continued stroking the reader's back untill the sun rose.


"And that's how we ended up here."

Stunned, Alice looked at Sophie. The daughter of Rumpelstiltskin never could imagine living in a normal world without any magic.

"I understand why you wished to come here." She said before putting the last piece of bread in her mouth. Sophie awkwardly smiled before she took a sip of her tea.

"But why did you end up at this school then?"

Sophie shrugged her shoulders.

"Aggie thinks that there must be a huge mistake and that we must have been kind of... switched... you know?"

Alice nodded before she leaned back in her chair.

"I think that everything will be clear at the end... But think so... If you would be at the other school, we wouldn't have met, right?"

Sophie chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"But... I wouldn't have an angry daughter of a witch in my room!"

Both girls started to laugh silently. But both were cut off by a wolf guard who cleared his throat.

Alice hid a smile as she recognised him as the guard from yesterday whom she had threatened to turn into a puppy.

"Alice Gold. Come with me." He said.

"Why?" Alice asked and gently put back her cup on the table.

"Lady Lesso wants to see you. Now."

Alice sighed before she stood up.

"See you later at Uglification, Sophie!" she said before she turned to the wolf.

"Led me then, little puppy." She commanded teasingly. She could tell from the look the wolf gave her that he didn't enjoyed the nickname but he didn't dare to say something against her.

So he led her out of the dining hall and back to the school for evil. On their way, they met some Nevers but they didn't pay any attention to Alice and the guard.

"Why does Lady Lesso wants to talk to me?" Alice asked after a while of walking silently. She didn't want to admit it but she slowly got nervous. She didn't knew why Lesso wanted to talk to her. Only the thought of the dean made her feel dizzy. Being alone in a room with her would drive her insane.

"I don't know, Alice Gold. But don't worry, she isn't mad. If she would be, she would have send you to the doom room and not to her office."

"Are you trying to calm me down? Because if, it isn't working, puppy."

The wolf let out a little growl.

"Could you stop calling me puppy?"

Alice chuckled.

"What's your name then?" She asked and looked up at the wolf.


"Xador... Hm... I'll make my choice later."

She could see Xador rolling his eyes and chuckled once again.

Then, they continued walking.

Three minutes later, Xador slowed down before he stopped.

"The door over there. Knock and wait untill she invites you in."

Alice nodded.

"Thank you, Xador."

Surprised, the wolf looked at her. But then he also nodded.

"Miss Gold."
With those words he turned around and left her.

Alice sighed silently before she looked at the door.

"She won't kill you, Alice." She mumbled to herself before knocking.

For some seconds, there wasn't an answer but then she heard the muffled voice of the dean.

"Come in, Alice Gold."


Well. . . Hello everyone:)
I hope you enjoy reading the story.
I’d like to know what you think so far? What do you think of Alice?
Have a nice day/night


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