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"And stay there!"

With those words, the blond haired girl from earlier was pushed onto the seat next to Alice.

She watched the guard walking away before looking at Sophie who seemed to be quite uncomfortable.

When she noticed her looking at her, she turned her head in Alice' direction.

"Umm... Hi?" she said.

Alice smiled slightly.

"Hi... I'm Alice!"


"You're the one from earlier, aren't you?"

Confused, Sophie looked at Alice. She didn't knew when both of them could have met before.

"I was talking to the redhead and you excued to her, remember?"

Realisation took place on Sophies face and she nodded.

"Right! Sorry about that. I hope, I didn't interruped something important?"

Alice smiled slightly. She kind of liked the blond girl next to her.

"No, don't worry. You saved me from her sarcasm so I have to thank you!"

Both girls started to laugh.

"She's kind of... I don't know... evil"

Alice nodded in agreement to Sophies state, her thoughts went to the redhaired woman. She for sure was a teacher at the school for evil. Definitely. Her whole appearance screamed evil. Her sarcastic smile she had on her face made her whole apparition perfect. Plus, she was hot. More then hot.

Alice shook her head. Such thoughts definitely weren't helpful.

"Are you also a reader?" Sophies voice brought Alice back to reality.

"A reader? No, I'm not. Are you..?"

Sophie nodded but she didn't seem that happy about it. But Alice didn't want to push the girl to tell her since they've just met today. So she decided to wait what was going to happen next.

"May I ask who your parents are? I mean, if you're comfortable with-"

"Sure... But I want you to guess it!"

"I'm not the redhead!"

Alice giggled at Sophies comment before she turned serious again.

"I'll give you three days to-"


Alice was surprised. She didn't thought that Sophie would guess it right with her first try.

Sophie grinned slightly as she noticed Alice' surprised face.


Alice blushed.

"Well... I didn't thought that you would guess it right away with your first try. But yes, my dad is Rumpelstiltskin."


Stunned to speak, Sophie looked at Alice. She had read a lot about Rumpelstiltskin and it still was kind of strange for her to know that nearly every hero and villain of a fairytale had kids. And that those kids would go to school with her. Even though she was at the wrong school at the moment.

"Hey, reader girl!"

The girls turned their heads to face a black haired boy. Sophie let out an annoyed sigh. Alice stayed silent, her eyes laid on the boy who sat down next to Sophie.

"Actually, my father always used to tell me not to talk to readers. He says they're bad luck. You've probably read about him. Captain Hook?"


Sophie and the boy looked to Alice.

"What's wrong?" Sophie asked her new friend, slightly happy about her disruption.

"Well... For the son of the Captain Hook you're not that... I don't know how to say it..." Alice made a short pause before she continued speaking. Her tone switched to mocking as she directly looked into Captain Hook's son's eyes.

"... that spectacular. I guess, Daddy hope's that they can make a little henchman out of-"

"Who do you think you are?"

Amused, Alice looked at the boy whose mimic had turned angry and insulted - exactly what she had wanted to happen.

"How good of you to ask, little pirate. But where would be the fun if I would tell you right now?" Alice smirked as she watched the boy getting more and more impatient and mad with every word she said. Everything went according to her little plan. Oh, she loved insulting people she didn't like and the boy seemed to be her newest favourite prey.

"Come to an end, blondie." The boy said through clenched teeth.

"I'm not blondie, little pirate. My name's Gold. My dad's name's Gold. Or as your father liked to call him: crocodile. So if you want to keep all of your body parts you shouldn't make me your enemy. Are we clear, little pirate?"

While speaking, Alice'd looked at the boy with an penetrating gaze, not blinking once and with no emotion in her voice. On the outside, she seemed to be cold as ice, but inside she was thrilled like a little girl in front of the Christmas Tree.

With satisfaction, she watched the boy getting paler and paler with every word she said. She deeply enjoyed the expression of fear in his face.

"W-we're clear."

All of a sudden, Alice's features relaxed and a fake warm smile spread across her lips.

"Perfect. Now, if you don't mind please stay silent... The ceremony is about to begin."

After that she raised an eyebrow and the boy quickly moved away from Sophie and Alice.

The reader looked at her friend speechless.

"Wow. That was amazing, Alice."

Alice smiled - a real smile this time.

"That was nothing, dear Sophie."

"But how did you manage to take control over him?"

Curiously, Sophie moved closer to Alice.

"Most people think that magic is power. Well... It kind of is. But you should never underestimate the power of words and the truth. If you know how to use them to your advantage, then you're truly powerful."

Sophie wanted to say something, but she was cut off by a loud bang which came from a woman's cane. The woman was completely dressed into a gold dress. She and the redhead from before stood next to each other in front of the new students.

"I am Professor Dovey. Dean of the school for good."

All of a sudden, the students of the school for good started chanting the word "Evers!" again and again while clapping their hands.

But they were cut off by the red haired woman from earlier.

"And I'm Lady Lesso. Dean of the school for evil."

Alice felt her heart drop. Not only the voice of the woman made her knees weak. Also the fact that Lesso not only was a teacher, but also the dean herself made her heart flutter. But why?

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