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Immediately, Alice sat up. Her gaze moved to the mirror and-


The little man in her mirror let out a little giggle.

Quickly, Alice jumped off her bed and rushed over to the mirror, still shocked to see her father on its surface. She didn't expect to see her father so soon again, at the end of the school year at the earliest. But now he stood there and looked at her through his reptilian eyes. As usual, there was no emotion in his eyes, but Alice had learned to live with it. At that moment she was just happy to see her father again - which of course she would never admit out loud.

"What are you doing here, dad?" Alice asked curiosly, throwing a gaze back at the door, checking if she really had closed it.

Another giggle escaped Rumpelstiltskin's lips and he stepped closer to the surface.

"Nothing that big, dearie. I'm just here to warn you."

Confused, Alice tilted her head and narrowed her eyebrows.

"What's the prize?"

The Dark One started to laugh - his real laugh this time which didn't come out often.

"Still my girl. But no, little one. I'm here because I'm worried."

Alice sat down infront of her mirror and after a moment, Rumpelstiltskin did the same.

Alice was surprised. Her father never told her in her whole life that he was worried about her. She'd always been trained how to use her magic and got teached the basics of how to destroy people and countries. But she had never experienced great emotionality. Maybe when she was very young and her mum was still alive, but not after she died. Rumpelstiltskin had raised her to know everything she would need and how to use that knowledge. He had taught her how to manipulate people with words and how to set them against each other. But that was all.

And now he was telling her that he was worried.

"Why are you worried, dad?" She asked after some moments in which she had tried to digest his words.

"Two names, dear Alice." Rumpelstiltskin said and curiosly, Alice moved closer to the mirror.


A shiver went down Alice spine, as she remembered the mad man.

"And Lesso."

"Wha- why Lesso?" Alice asked.

"Oh, Alice. Please don't make a fool of yourself. You exactly do know why I mentioned her name." The Dark One spat.

Alice swallowed. How did he know?

"So I am right?"

Alice rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I'm not going to talk about my love life with you."

Rumpelstiltskin giggled.

"That's not what I want at all, my dear. I just want you to be safe. Love is a wickedness not everyone is prepared for. It's-"

"I know, dad. But don't worry. I'll be fine with it."

"I know Alice. I just want you to be okay."

Alice tried hard to suppress a smile. She didn't knew why her father got so soft but since it was the first time in her whole life, she liked it.

"Don't you dare smile at me!" Rumpelstiltskin hissed but she could tell from his eyes that he wasn't mad - just overwhelmed with his own emotions.

"And why Rafal?"

Rumpelstiltskin's facials hardened.

"Did you two already met?" He asked and Alice shivered as she noticed his tensed voice. He always had a sarcastic tone and never showed his real emotions. But when it got tensed there indeed was a big problem.

Alice nodded.

"What did he want from you?"

"He wanted to manipulate me. But it didn't work."

"Good." Alice watched how Rumple's facials relaxed a bit before he continued speaking.

"If he should ever visit you again, you immediately have to tell Lesso. Or another teacher. I'm afraid that he's trying to get you on his side. Even though I like watching Evil to be on top... not for this man. He doesn't has any style."

Alice chuckled about his last sentence but nodded after it with a blank expression on her face.

"Don't worry dad. If anything happens, I'll report to Lesso."

Rumpelstilskin nodded satisfied before he stood back up.

"Good. Then: I'll leave now. Keep on studying and become the next great villain!"

"Of course, dad!"

Rumple smiled slightly before the knocked against the surface.

"And destroy the mirror. It's easy to use it for dark magic like me and Rafal are practicing it."

Again, Alice nodded and watched how her father awkwardly said goodbye and disappeared from the mirror.

After she let her finger glow up in a light golden tone and pointed it to the mirror. Shortly after, pieces of glass flew through the room and the frame collapsed.
Satisfied, Alice collected all of the pieces and threw them into the garbage can.

Then, she let herself fall on her bed again. She felt exhausted and tired - even though she didn't even do a lot in the last few minutes.

She turned to lay on her side, closed her eyes and it didn't take long until she fell asleep.


How are you guys?

I hope you liked the little crossover^^'
I just wanted Rumple to appear only once and this was the best moment for me^^

What do you think about this chapter?

Have a nice morning/day/night🤍

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