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Slowly, Alice managed to open her eyes. A sharp pain went into her head and whimpering she closed her eyes again. All the memories about what had happend came back to hear at the same moment. How she'd stood up for Sophie. How she'd been distracted by Lady Lesso. How the damn dragon demon from Hester had knocked her out.

Again, Alice forced herself to open her eyes. This time without any pain coming into her head.

Carefully, she turned her head to the left. The classroom was empty. No-one was here except her. A feeling of exclusion and abandonment overcame her and she found it difficult to suppress a rising tear. But what had she expected? That her classmates would care for her? Nonsense. Only Sophie would. But the reader was nowhere to be found.

With her left-over strength she sat up, a little cough escaped her lips. Not far away from her she could see some pieces of glass and on the wall opposite of her a little scorch. What had happened while she was unconscious?

"You're awake."

Alice slightly winced and turned her head at the darkened back of the room. Slowly, Lady Lesso stepped out of the shadow and in her direction.

"What happend?" Alice asked as she watched the dean come closer and closer with every step. In front of her, Lesso went down on her knees so that both were on the same eye level.

Alice shivered as she noticed Lesso's tired facials. What happend to the dean?

"You got knocked ou-"

"Sorry, I have to be clearer: what happend after I got... unconscious?" Alice interrupted but got quieter towards the end. She felt embarrassed to got knocked out in front of the redhaired woman.

Lesso sighed slightly before she did something which surprised Alice. She gently layed her hand on Alice' right cheek.

"I'll tell you, Alice... But not now."

Alice was shocked about the soft voice of Lesso. She felt her cheeks warming up as the dean carefully stroke her right cheek and looked her deep in the eyes.

"Lady Lesso?"

Lesso nodded to signalise Alice to continue speaking.

"Where is Sophie? Is she alright?"

Lesso's facials hardened and she took her hand from Alice' cheek. The blond haired girl swallowed as she watched how a hateful gaze dominated her pretty face.

"Well... If I was you I wouldn't talk to her again."

Confused, Alice looked at the dean.

"Wha- why? She's my-"

Lesso's hand around her throat shut Alice up and with widened eyes she looked at Lesso. She felt her heart beating hurtfully against her chest and how difficult it was for her to breathe. Lesso noticed this and loosened ger grip a bit, but continued to hold Alice's throat noticeably.

"Your what? Your little friend?!" She spat and moved closer to Alice' face.

"If she was your friend, why didn't she help you?"

Alice opened her mouth but eventually closed it. She didn't knew what to say.

Lesso, who seemed to grow more into rage, continued.

"Should I tell you what she did?"

Alice was afraid of the woman in front of her. That wasn't the Lady Lesso she knew. Yes, Lesso wasn't the nicest person on the planet but she'd never treated Alice the way she did now. Something has happened while Alice was knocked out. Something big... Since Lesso wasn't someone who freaked out over little things.

Without waiting for an answer from Alice, Lesso continued.

"She watched how you got knocked out. She watched how you flew trough the room and crushed against one of the beams. She didn't do anything to help you Alice... Do you call that a friend?"

A single tear dropped Alice' eye and ran over her cheek. Silently she shook her head as far as it was possible for her.

"No... N-no. You're lying!"

"Stop your whining!" Lesso snapped angrily and tightened her grip again. Alice gasped and placed her hands on Lesso's. She tried to get off Lesso's hands but firstly, she wasn't strong enough and also Lesso didn't seem to notice that she was now choking Alice on a menacing level.

"You want to know why I call you a princess?! Because you behave like one! Your morals are the same as a princess. You love and want friends. Villains don't need friends, Alice! We need nobody! And nobody needs you! You're a shame for this school and-"

Something in Lessos face changed. She blinked a few times before she looked at Alice and her hands. Afterwards, she quickly let go of Alice and moved away from her a bit.


Alice who finally was able to breath normally again quickly stood up. For a moment she swayed but found her balance.

"No! Stop it! I hate it! I hate you! What do you think you're doing with me?! I'm sick of your changing behaviour!"

Alice took a deep shaking breath before she continued talking in a more calm tone.

"It is my decision how to behave. It is my decision what my morals are. And it is my decision if I want to have friends. I don't want you or anybody else to do the same. But why can't you just accept it? Why can't you love? This world isn't just black and white! Now excuse me. I don't feel well."

With those words, Alice turned on her heel and left the room leaving a speechless Lady Lesso behind.

As she entered her room, Alice closed the door behind her and locked it before she took a deep breath.

She felt guilty for screaming at Lesso but at the same time she felt... relieved. all the things that had been bothering her she had finally gotten off her chest.

Carefully, Alice walked over to a mirror. In the reflection she could see Lesso's dark handprint that she had left on her neck.

"What had happened to her?" Alice asked herself while studying the little bruise on her neck.

"Well. Let me tell you her little secret, Alice Gold."

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