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The first thing Alice felt was a soft stroke on her hand. Then, she noticed the cold sourrundings and then finally managed to slowly open her eyes.

"God, you're awake." She heard Lady Lesso whisper and felt like something about her underground changed before it got completely still again. Questioning, Alice looked at Lesso.

"What ha-"

Alice was startled by her hoarse, barely audible voice.

"Sh, Darling. Don't speak." Lesso hushed her down as she looked at Alice with sorrow in her eyes. The red hair of the dean was more puffier then it was usual - it seemed as if the dean had pulled her hair out more than once.

Alice closed her mouth again.

Lesso gently tucked some of Alice' hair behind her ear.

"Darling, why didn't you tell me that you're sick? Just fall over. You gave me quite a scare!"

"S-sorry, ma'am." Alice managed to say before she quickly turned to the side and started to cough. After, she led herself fall into the sheets again, exhausted and tired.

Lesso watched her, not really knowing what she should do. In such situations she had always been lost. When she was ailing herself, she knew what to do, but taking care of others and caring for them... that was a job for the Evers.

"Do you need something? Something to eat? To drink?" Lesso asked.

"Could I have some water?"

Immediately, Lesso jumped on her feet and hedded to the bathroom which was connected directly to her bedroom. Some moments after, she came back with a glass of water in her hands.

Alice watched her dean carrying the water glass with a concentrated gaze on her face and smiled slightly.

"Be careful." Lesso whispered as she held the glass for Alice to drink.

"Thank you, Lesso."

Lesso nodded and put the glass on her bedside table before she gently pulled her blanket over Alice' body and stroke her arm.

"Sleep, little Alice. Everything is going to be fine."

Sleepily, Alice nodded and turned on her side before she drifted to sleep.


"What are you doing, Lesso?"


Annoyed, Leonora Lesso rolled her eyes and turned around to face Clarissa Dovey who stood in the door frame of the teachers room. The dean of Good'd lifted an eyebrow as she looked at the redhead.

"Making myself a cup of tea, Clarissa." Lesso said and shrugged her shoulders as she turned around to continue.

"At the teachers room of the school for Good!"

Lesso'd finished making the cup and took it before she once again turned around.

"How evil of me." She said and rolled her eyes at Dovey before she took her cane and wanted to leave but Dovey didn't let her pass.

Annoyed, Lesso growled slightly.

"What now?"

"Since when are you drinking tea?"

Lesso closed her eyes in annoyance for a moment. Her fingers cletched around the hot cup in her hand and her thoughts wandered to Alice, hoping that she still was asleep.

"Why do you care, Dovey?" Lesso hissed and opened her eyes again, showing her colleague her typical cold gaze.

But Dovey was stubborn.

"You told me yourself that you hate tea, Lesso. So why are you making some now? And even added honey to it?" She added after she threw a short look in the cup.

"Clarissa, the cup is about to burn my hand. I really would appreciate it if you would let me pass now. Please."

With those words Lesso pushed herself through the doorframe and gazed a last time annoyed at the other dean before she quickly made her way back to her school leaving a confused Dovey behind.


"Darling. Wake up."

A pair of lips on her forehead woke Alice up and slowly she opened her eyes. Lesso sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at her slightly.


"I brought you some tea, Darling. For your voice." Lesso whispered.

Alice smiled at her words and sat up with the help of Lesso. Then, the dean carefully held the cup to Alice lips so that it was easier for her to drink. Taking small sips, she felt how the hot liquid went down her throat and how it left a warm feeling behind.

"Thank you." Alice murmured and Lesso put the cup down before she gently pushed Alice back into the pillows.

But Alice now had noticed that she didn't was in her own room.

"W-where am I?" She asked confused and turned her head to face Lesso.

"My room, Darling. I thought it was safer for you since I'm able to look after you while you're here."

She felt carefully for Lesso's hand. A thin smile appeared on the redhead's lips as she offered Alice her hand. She watched as the blonde girl laced her fingers together and how a happy smile crept onto Alice's lips before her eyes closed again.

A tear ran down Lesso's cheek and she vigorously wiped it away with her free hand. She didn't want Rafal to use her girl for his purposes and the thoughts of losing her sweet Alice if she found out the truth were killing her. For the first time Lesso felt loved. She loved Alice. She loved how she looked at her. She loved how her eyes started to glow when she talked about something she adored. She loved how she defended her friends and her family.

Leonora hated herself. Rafal'd told her when he trained her that one day, a powerful student would enter the school. And that with Leonoras and her help he would make Evil win again.

Yes - Leonora wanted Evil to win again.

But she wasn't willed to pay the price it would cost her.

She just couldn't lose her Alice.

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