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Inside the office, Lesso gently placed Alice on a chair. This time, however, not on the chair in front of her desk, but on her own chair.

After the dean made sure that Alice wouldn't collapse, she sat on her desk facing her student.

"Why are you here, little one?" She asked calmly and watched how Alice sighed.

"What did you do to Sophie? Why was she dragged to the doom room?"

Lesso narrowed her eyebrows. She didn't expect Alice to know.

"How do you know?"

Alice bit her lip. Because of Lesso's voice she knew that it would cause Xador trouble if she would tell Lesso the truth.

"I have my sources." She simply said which clearly didn't contribute to Lesso's satisfaction but the dean didn't respond on her little evasion.

For a moment, Lesso seemed to consider what to answer. Glancing at Alice, she sighed before she started to speak.

"Sophie still believes that she'd been dropped at the wrong school. But since Rafal'd visited her yesterday during class I don't think that there are any mistakes."


"Sh." Lesso put a finger on Alice' lips. "I haven't finished yet, Darling."

Alice blushed at the nickname Lesso'd called her but stayed silent.

Lesso smirked slightly before she continued speaking.

"Rafal is the School Master's brother. He was once the most powerful being in our school. Evil hasn't beaten Good ever since he disappeared. But somehow Sophie's powers have drown his attention. With Rafal's and her powers, Evil will finally be able to win again. After two hundred years!"

Alice nodded as a sign that she understood the words Lesso'd said.

"It's important to you that Evil wins again, isn't it?"

Lesso looked at her as if she had made a bad joke.

"Endure Clar- Dovey for more than an hour as she practically sings to you that Good will always win over Evil."

"But Good does always win! Name me three fairytales in which Evil wins!" Alice said and crossed her arms over her chest.

Lesso stayed silent for a moment before she responded.

"A world where Evil is not as powerful as Good is a world out of balance!"

Now it was Alice' turn to remind silent.

"You're right, Lady Lesso-"

"God, stop calling me 'Lady'! It makes me feel like I'm a disgusting Ever!" Lesso said and shook herself slightly at the thought of having to live as an Ever.

Alice smiled briefly.

"You're right, Lesso, but you just can't drag Sophie into something she doesn't want!"

Questioning, Lesso tilted her head slightly.

"She might have catched Rafal's attention. But even though we're evil, we just can't destroy an innocent life. Plus, she's a reader! For her, all of this is even more terrifying then for someone who grew up in this magical world!"

Lesso carefully lifted Alice's chin with her finger, forcing Alice to look at her.

"You're right. We're evil, Darling. It's our job to destroy innocent lives. You as the daughter of Rumpelstiltskin should know that."

Alice sighed slightly, still looking at Lesso. She felt the warm finger of the dean under her chin and it send butterflies through her stomach but she tried to stay focused.

"First, it's not fair of you to involve my father into this. Second, we're still talking about my friend. And third-"

Lesso leaned herself down so that she and Alice were on the same eye level and their faces were so close that their noses gently touched each other.

Immediately, Alice shut up and looked at her dean with widened eyes. She tried hard - and failed sternly - not to blush.

Lesso smirked as she noticed how the breathing of Alice quickened, how she gulped and how she clutched her hands in the fabric of her black dress as Lesso pulled her up by her collar. Now Alice was standing between Lesso's slightly spread legs, her hands reflexively on her dean's waist.

"And thirdly?" Lesso whispered teasingly into Alice's ear, benevolently noticing how goosebumps spread over Alice's body.

Alice closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down, but Lesso's hand around her neck stopped her.

Lesso's grip wasn't too tight, just enough for Alice to continue breathing without any problems.

"It's rude not to look at someone while you're talking to them!" Lesso chided her in an annoyed tone before taking her hand off Alice's neck and tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

Still speechless, Alice looked at her. Her heard banged against her chest and she felt the butterflies in her stomach doing looping after looping.

"Won't you apologize?" Lesso asked.

She loved teasing her little Alice. She loved the way that Alice' cheeks would get red and the embarrassed look that would take place on her face.

"S-sorry, ma'am." Alice whispered.

Lesso pulled Alice closer to her and Alice gave a startled cry which made Lesso chuckle.

"What did you wanted to say, Darling?" She asked as if she wouldn't have teased Alice a few moments ago.

Alice took a deep breath before she answered.

"I-I wanted to say that just because we're evil doesn't mean we have to conform to stereotypes and prejudice!"

Lesso leaned forward so that Alice could feel Lesso's breath on her lips.

"God, I love it when you try to convince me, Darling." Lesso whispered against Alice' lips. It was hard for the redhead to hold back. She would give anything to press her lips against Alice'.

She looked at the blond haired girl. She could read the longing for her in Alice' eyes. She could read the affection. Softly smiling, Lesso bridged the gap and-

A loud bang let them pull away.

"Who's there?" Lesso yelled.

"Professor Manley. I need to talk to you, Lesso."

"One moment!" Lesso yelled back before looking at Alice, who was glaring at her in panic.

Lesso quickly let go of Alice and gestures her to sit under the desk, which fortunately was built in such a way that on Lesso's side you could comfortably hold your legs while you couldn't see them from the other side.

Alice hurriedly climbed under the table and Lesso sat down on the chair, spreading her legs to give Alice enough room.

"Good. Come in!" Lesso exclaimed boredly while giving Alice a quick reassuring look.

They both hoped that the Uglification teacher would quickly comment and leave.

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