T W E N T Y - T W O

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Angry, Leonora Lesso turned to Clarissa Dovey.

"What have you done, Dovey?!" she growled angrily and the Dean of Good jumped when she saw the hateful expression on the redhead's face. Never since she had known Lesso had the redhead looked at her so furiously and beside herself.

"What have I done? I haven't done anything, Lesso!"

Dovey watched Lesso ruffle her mane of red hair and how she began pacing up and down the room. Incomprehensible murmurs reached Clarissa's ears, but she didn't dare to interrupt the redhead.

Only when the redhead came to a stop with her back facing Clarissa, the first understandable words could be heard.

"What have I done?"

Clarissa watched in horror as Lesso fell to the ground. Overwhelmed by the emotional outburst she was witnessing, Dovey stepped closer to her colleague only to see the Dean's body shaking uncontrollably.

"Lesso, calm down-"

"CALM DOWN?! Damn Dovey, you have no idea!" yelled Leonora. Tears ran uncontrollably down her cheeks while her breathing became shallower and her already fair skin paler.

Very carefully, Dovey dropped to her knees next to Lesso. She was overwhelmed with what was happening, but she couldn't leave the redhead, whom she had learned to like after all these years, alone now.

She didn't know what to do, so Clarissa waited until Lesso started to calm down. She looked at the red-haired dean encouragingly.

"It'll be fine, Lesso. We'll find Alice, talk to her-"

"No- no, Dovey!" Lesso tried to get up, but Clarissa pushed her back onto the floor. Noticing how upset and beside herself the Dean was, she knew that if she continued to hyperventilate, it would not end well.

"Why no? Lesso, I can't help you if you don't speak!" The words came tight from Dovey's lips, it was hard for her not to grab Lesso by the shoulders and shake her until she would speak up.

Lesso's body collapsed even more than it already did.

"You love her."



Dovey looked at Lesso in shock. Did she just mishear?


A silent tear rolled down Leonora's cheek. She looked down and began fidgeting with her sleeves nervously, something Dovey had never expected her to do. With every second that passed, her panic grew. Panic what had happened. Panic about Rafal. Panic as to what extent Lesso and Alice were involved with him.

"With her, Evil finally has a chance to win!-"

"And you handed her over to him?" Dovey interrupted hysterically.

"At first... yes."

Lesso tried desperately to get her shaking under control.

Dovey swallowed. Did she hit the mark? Did Alice Gold really managed to soften Leonora's ice-cold heart and fill it with love?

"Dovey, I'm scared. Scared of what he's going to do to her- What if-"

Dovey's arms around her body interrupted Leonora and she realized with shock that she was being hugged by her actual "rival".

It felt weird having someone other than her Alice held tight.

"We'll find her, Lesso. You still owe me a proper explanation, but Alice comes first now!"


A little chapter for you guys :)
Stay tuned... The end of the story is written and I think I'll end it this week...
Have a nice night/day🤍

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