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Tired, Alice closed her dorm room door behind her and staggered in her bed's direction. With a loud 'uff' she led herself fall onto the covers and closed her eyes.

After her conversation with Lesso in the doom room she'd hadded from class to class.

She was hungry since she couldn't go to dinner because of her teacher for 'Evil History' who'd given her detention for being late.

A slight knock caught her attention and annoyed she sat up.

"What?" She bickered but she didn't get an answer.

Alice groaned and walked over to her door and opened it - a scathing comment on her lips - but nobody was there.

"What the-?"

Again, she heard the knock but this time it was further away. Alice closed her door and turned around as she saw a little raven sitting behind her window.

Quickly, she ran over and opened it to let the little bird come in. On his right little leg she noticed a rolled up piece of parchment.

Carefully she took the parchment and unrolled it so that she could read its content.

My office. Now. And bring the bird.

Confused, Alice looked at the little raven who stood completely still and seemed to watch her.

"Why does she want to see me this time?" Alice asked herself silently before she throw a yearning gaze onto her bed. She sighed before she took the bird on her hand and left her room.

Silently, Alice walked trough the school. She didn't feel well doing it since it was lockout for every student.

But luckily, Alice made it uncaught to Lesso's office and knocked against her door.

Shortly after the door was opened and Lesso stood in the door frame looking at her.

"Did anybody see you?" She asked as she looked into the corridor.

Alice shook her head.

"No ma'am."

"Come in."

Lesso said and stepped aside so that Alice could enter her office. As she'd entered the room the raven on her hand began to dissolve into black smoke untill there was only a feather left in her hand. Confused Alice looked at Lesso but the dean just shrugged her shoulders before she signed Alice to sit on the chair before her desk.

Alice sat down.

"Why am I here, Lady Lesso?" She asked.

"Sh, little princess." Lesso muttered.

Alice flinched as she heard the redheads voice right next to her ear. She turned to the side to see that Lesso stood next to her, rolling her sleeves up and kneeling down in front of her.


Lesso rose an eyebrow which shut Alice up.

"Take off your blouse, princess."

Alice didn't know why but she did what Lesso wanted from her. Without hesitation. Firmly, she folded her blouse and laid it on the other side of her chair. After, she looked at Lesso again.

The redhead narrowed her eyes as she'd leaned forward so that she could see Alice' wound.

"You are able to switch bodies but can't do healing?" Lesso asked mockingly as she looked at the rather poorly wound bandage Alice had put on during the day.

Alice felt her cheeks warm up and her fingers clawed at the fabric of her skirt.

"Well I- Argh! What the fuck?!" Alice yelled as she suddenly felt a strong pain in her wound. She tried to press her hand against it but Lesso stopped her.

Alice managed to lock at the dean to see her glowing finger with which she pointed at Alice' wound.

"What are you doing?" Alice asked in a pained voice.

Lesso didn't respond. Her gaze layed on the wound. Alice was breathing heavily and she clenched her teeth. Rarely had she felt such pain. What was Lesso doing there?

But suddenly she felt the pain taken away from her. She looked down at the wound confused. But the wound was gone.

"H-how? Thank you!"

She looked at Lesso who nodded slightly. Carefully, the dean of evil touched the skin where the wound had been less seconds before.

Alice gasped for air. She expected cold and rough hands but Lesso's hands were warm and soft. Lesso gently checked to make sure the healing was complete before she pulled back her hand.

Then she looked up at Alice and smirked.

"Goosebumps all over your body, princess? How does that come?"

Alice deeply blushed and bit her lip. She was embarrassed that Lesso'd noticed her shivers.

"It's rather cold in here, don't you think so?"

Lesso stood back up and leaned against her desk.

"I think it's pretty warm in here. Your red cheeks seem to confirm that!" She continued teasing Alice who looked at her hands embarrassed.

Lesso smiled slightly as she watched the girl in front of her. She loved teasing Alice. But then she realised what she was doing.

A slight clearing of her throat drew Alice' attention to the dean.

She swallowed as she noticed that the could stern gaze had returned on Lesso's face and Alice felt sad about it. She liked it when Lesso's facials softened. In those moments, the dean seemed to be kind of... human.

"I hope I don't have to do it again. The next time when you get injured during a fight you have to help yourself!"

Lesso's words were sharp like a knife. Alice nodded slightly before she stood up and took on her blouse again.

"Thank you, Lady Lesso. And don't worry. It won't happend again." She said while looking at the floor.

"Evil night, Alice." Lesso said.

"Evil night, Lady Lesso. Bad dreams." Alice responded and left the office.

As she was gone, Lesso sighed silently. She liked the blond haired girl. She liked the way how tough she was on her teachers and how intimidated when she and Lesso were alone.

"Damn it!" Lesso shouted and swept a stack of papers from her desk. She knew the feeling she started to feel. It was the same she had when she met Rafal. But Lesso was evil. And as a Never she wasn't meant to fall in love. Especially not with her student.

"You're overreacting. Nothing will happen Leonora."

Little did she know.

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