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Alice stood in front of the office door for about six minutes without knocking or moving. She only stared at the door and did nothing. What should she say?

'Hey, I'm here because I threw a bottle with a strange black liquid at a classmate and got send to tell you'?

Alice sighed before finally knocking.

"Come in."

Briefly, Alice opened the door and entered the office silently.

"What are you doing here, princess?"

Alice bit her lip while closing the door. Her gaze layed on Lady Lesso who sat behind her desk.

"I was sent to tell you about my... misbehave? If you want to call it like that?"

Lesso raised an eyebrow before she signed Alice to sit on the chair before her desk. Alice did as she was told and sat down. Her hands were folded in her lap and she looked up to Lesso.

"A princess like you can misbehave?" Lesso asked mockingly and Alice rolled her eyes in annoyance. Why didn't Lesso stop calling her a princess?

"Well... Since I'm not a princess I can behave like I want to... And in addition, aren't I the one who failed to help Evil win? Don't you call that misbehave?" Alice questioned sarcastically.

"Princess. What did I say about hissing?"

"Sorry, ma'am."

Lesso leaned back in her chair, still watching Alice. An curious look on her face while she studied the blond girl. She did had noticed the effect she had on Alice and enjoyed playing it out over and over again to tease the student. Same with her nickname.

"Well... Do you want to tell me now what happend in your class or do I have to make you tell me?"

Alice stayed silent for a moment and felt once again her cheeks heating up. Ugh, she hated the effect the elder woman had on her.

"I threw a bowl with a strange black liquid at a classmate. That's it."

Lesso narrowed her brows. She'd expected more.

"That's all? No harmed students? Nothing?"

Alice tried hard to suppress a chuckle. She found it funny how disappointed the dean sounded.

"That's it, ma'am."

Lesso shook her head.

"Well. Return to your class. And tell your teacher only to send you to me if there are any harmed students. This is waisting my time."

And with that Lesso took her gaze from Alice and took her cane before standing up. Alice - who was kind of insulted by her words - did the same.

"Sorry for waisting your time, Lady Lesso. Next time-"

Alice paused for a moment as a searing pain ripped through her side and made her hiss. She looked down to her side to see that fresh blood was soaking her blouse.

Alice pressed her hand against her side to stop the bleeding. But Lesso already had noticed the blood.

"What happend?" She asked.

"Nothing, ma'am."

Alice looked up at Lesso, trying to be as cold as Lesso herself.

"You're bleeding, Gold."

"Really? I thought ink was coming out of my side." Alice hissed angrily.

Alice couldn't blink as fast as Lesso had pushed her against the desk behind her. Shortly after, Lesso stood infront of her, a hand wrapped around Alice throat, the other one on the table for support.

"You shouldn't push my nerves to hard, little princess. I've told you twice to not hiss at me. I don't appreciate your behaviour."

With every word she said, Lesso drew closer to Alice's face until the tips of their noses almost touched. Unintentionally, Alice caught the scent of cedarwood and orange. She swallowed and looked up. Anger and other emotions were mixed in Lesso's eyes as she looked down at Alice.

"I hate it when people oppose me, little one. So I advise you not to upset me any further. Otherwise our next meeting will be at a different location. Do you understand that?"

"Y-yes, ma'am."

Lesso let go of Alice and took a quick look at her wound before picking up her cane and looking at Alice.

"I advise you to take care of your wound, Gold. You can leave now."

Alice looked at Lesso for a last time before she quickly left the room. She rushed down the corridors until she was at a safe distance.

Then, she led herself slip down at the wall. She trembled and put her hands on her face. She didn't recognize herself. What was Lesso doing to her? She wasn't intimidated easily! Alice didn't like that Lesso had so much control over her.

Alice took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down this way and after a while her shaky breathing did calm down.

"She's just a woman, Alice. You're not used of being around hot woman. That's it." She told herself, before she stood back up.

"I have to change." Alice mumbled to herself and went back to her room.

But little did she know that it wouldn't take long until she and Lady Lesso would meet again.

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