T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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"Everything goes according to plan!"

Alice looked up hatefully at Rafal, who stepped away from the small dungeon window and now squatted in front of her. His gaze slid over her wrists, which were connected by a heavy iron chain, chaining Alice to the cold wet stone wall behind her. A grin spread across his face as he eyed the girl.

"Oh dear Alice... Everything could have gone so well... It still could... If only you would stop being so stubborn!"

Alice spat at his feet.

"Only over my dead body I join you, you little disgusting cockroach!"

Playing injured, Rafal grabbed his chest before giggling to himself.

"Would you say the same to our dear Leonora?"

"Who the hell is Leonora now?" Alice asked annoyed while trying to somehow get into a more comfortable position. She didn't know how Rafal got her here, but at some point she woke up chained. In addition, Rafal had begun using an ancient, little-known spell to draw her magic out of her body and transfer it to his.

"Oh, didn't she tell you?" There was a chuckle of amusement as Rafal knelt in front of her so they were on the same eye level.

"What a shame. And how hurtful it must be for you. The woman you love so much... the woman who makes you complete... she doesn't even trust you enough to tell you her first name."

Lady Lesso.

Alice swallowed and tried not to react emotionally to his words. But deep inside her she felt something break. Lady Lessos name was Leonora. Why hadn't she told her that?

The moment in which Alice last saw her came back to her mind. The way Lesso'd said "I don't love her!". As dismissive as if Alice was beneath her dignity. Was it all just a game for her?

Alice tried with all her might to hold back the tears.

"What does Lesso have to do with all this?!" She snapped at Rafal.

"A lot, dear Alice."

The girl growled.

Unimpressed, Rafal continued.

"Since you're going to die anyway, I can tell you." he said, glancing boredly at the passage about Alice heart, from which magic continued to be incessantly pumped into his own body. Once Alice lost all her magic, it was a matter of time before she would collapse and die from the sudden loss of psychic, physical and mental power.

"Lesso's only task was to find someone with great potential. Someone who would lead evil back to the top. At first I thought our friend Sophie von Gavaldon was the chosen one. But your powers, as the daughter of the Dark One, top it everything. Ever since I first visited you I knew you wouldn't join me. So I had to wait for a moment when you were mentally useless. Well... What can I say except the fact that Lesso has done her work at least once in her life perfectly."

"So everything Lesso said to me was a trick? To make me emotionally dependent on her and then dump me so you can have me?"

An ugly smile spread across Rafal's face.

"Indirectly. After all my work in Leonora was a complete waste of time, I discarded her. But I knew she still loved me. And Alice believe me, people in love would do anything for those they gave their hearts to . So it didn't take long for her to wrap you around her little finger, but then she started causing trouble again."

"And what trouble would that be?"

Angry, exhausted, but mostly disappointed, Alice looked up at him. Angry that she had fallen for Lesso. Disappointed that it had to be her first true love of all people who had betrayed her like that. Exhausted because she felt her strength steadily leaving her body.

"She started loving you. Can you imagine that? Someone who calls herself 'Dean of the School for Evil' falls in love with a little Never. Pathetic."

"You are pathetic, Rafal." growled Alice.

Rafal leaned forward.

"These will have been your last words, Alice Gold. By the time Lesso finds you, you'll be dead... You'll die. Alone and powerless. Leonora won't find you."

Before Alice could reply anything, Rafal was gone in a puff of dark smoke.


For a long time the dungeon lay quiet. With every second that passed, Alice grew weaker and weaker. She didn't see the school collapsing around her. All she could think of was a certain redhead. She wished she had told Lesso how she felt. Even if she had pushed them away, but she would have known. And now. Now she would die.


When Leonora Lesso entered the room, her eyes immediately fell on the lifeless body. She heard Dovey gasp behind her and she felt like it had knocked the ground out from under her.

As if in a trance, Leonora walked towards her student and knelt in front of her. Very carefully, she lifted her chin as she had done countless times before.

"Alice, please!" she whispered, tears blurring her vision and an unbearable numbness spreading through her entire body. It was as if an ice-cold hand would wrap itself around her heart and slowly and painfully crush it.

"Alice please. I need you." Lesso whimpered as she carefully ran her finger over the contours of Alice's face. Tears ran inexorably down her cheeks.

"I know I screwed up, but please. Please don't leave me Alice. I-I...I-I love you! I'm sorry. I regret everything I've done that hurt you. But please come back!"

The first choked sobs mingled in Leonora's voice.

"Please, dear Alice!" she whispered before resorting to the only remedy she could think of.

Gently, as if about to crack from too much pressure, she placed her lips on Alice's.

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