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Alice looked up from her plate. Sophie made her way over to her, a worried look on her face.

"What happend? Are you alright? God, I was so worried about you!" The words left Sophies mouth just like a waterfall and Alice really had to concentrate to understand what the reader was saying.

"Everything is alright, Sophie. I reported to Lesso what happened and then I didn't want to go back to this class since it is pretty useless in my opinion. I mean have you heard what the jerk said? 'When you're ugly, you're powerful' Blah blah blah."

Alice shook her head about the teacher which made Sophie smile slightly.

"You're amazing, you know that right?"


"You get kicked out of class but you still don't care even though you had to report to Lady Lesso herself!"

Alice rolled her eyes as Sophie mentioned the redheads name.

"Dearie, I'm a Never. My dad is Rumpelstiltskin. What do you expect from me? That I'll break down crying because I got kicked out of class? Pff, please."

While speaking, Alice waved her fork in front of Sophies face to demonstrate her words.

"Okay, okay. I got it, Alice!" Sophie said as she carefully took Alice' fork to avoid getting stabbed by it.


The two nevers turned their heads to see Agatha walking towards them.

"See you around?" Alice asked as she stood up. She felt that Agatha searched a conversation with Sophie and with Sophie alone. She just would be a third wheeler.

"Thank you, Alice."

Alice smiled slightly, before she nodded and left the dining room.

Alice walked back to the school for evil but then she stopped. She didn't knew what she could do right now since her next lesson would start in fifty minutes.

So she decided to explore the building.

Walking down the different corridors, admiring the architecture and enjoying the time alone Alice ended up in some kind of dungeon.

Down there was a lonely door which was opened by Alice. She was just too curious to know what would be behind the door.

She looked in a room with a chair in the middle. Also, there were some weapons like an axe, a morning star, a whip and similar weapons and instruments of torture.

"Well... I didn't expect to see you down here so soon, princess."

Alice immediately turned around to face Lady Lesso who stood behind her. But this time, the dean wasn't wearing her long blue coat. Alice couldn't deny to say that Lesso without her coat was even more hot and attractive then with it.

"I... what?"

Lesso smirked.

"I've told you earlier. The next time we'll meet at another place... Well it's this room, princess."

Alice looked back over her shoulder to the room.

"I don't think that it's comfortable down here for chatting, don't you think so as well, Lady Lesso?"

Lesso chuckled as she watched how uncomfortable the girl in front of her seemed to be. Slowly and without Alice noticing her, Lesso stepped closer.

"Well... I think, it quite perfect for... chatting"

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