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"Close the door behind you."

Silently, Alice did as she was told. After, she looked to Lady Lesso who sat behind a huge desk in the middle of the room. Her cane leaned on the table.

"Sit." she said and pointed to the chair in front of the desk without looking up. Alice swallowed by the coldness of the dean but did what she was told.

For a moment, there was silence in which Lesso signed some papers without paying attention to the girl in front of her. Alice just sat on the chair watching the lady. She didn't knew why Lesso wanted her to be here but if she was honest she didn't mind. Untill now, nothing bad had happend and she was able to watch the redhead.

"Finished staring?"

Alice felt her cheeks warming up and getting red as she blinked to see that Lesso had finished her paperwork and was now looking at her with an amused smile at the corner of her lips.
Embarrassed, Alice clenched her hand into fists and tried to avoid the womans gaze but she failed sternly.

Alice opened her mouth to defense herself but Lesso silenced her with a wave of her hand.

"Don't say anything, princess."

Alice bit her lip. She hated that Lesso still continued calling her princess though she was the daughter of Rumpelstiltskin himself. But she stayed silent.

"I wanted to tell you that you did a good job at the performance yesterday."

Alice blinked. She couldn't believe she heard the woman right. Did she just got a compliment from Lady Lesso?

"- well... You tried."

Annoyed, Alice glanced at the dean.

"Did you really interrupt me just because of telling me that I failed to let evil win?"

"Well... yeah."

Alice growled silently before standing up.

"Thanks Lady Lesso. And don't worry, next time I won't let it happen again!" Alice hissed and turned to leave the office. She was upset, angry and kind of disappointed. But why - she couldn't tell.

She nearly was in front of the door when a hand longed for her wrist and pulled her back. Alice gasped when she found herself turned around and looking at Lesso who held her with an angry look at her face.

Alice swallowed. She was terrified by the deadlook she was given.

"Don't you ever hiss at me again, princess. Do and you'll wish you hadn't. Got it?"

With widened eyes Alice looked up to the dean, not being able to say a single word. She didn't thought that Lesso would react the way she did. But once again - the redhead was hot being angry.

"Do. You. Understand. Me?" Lesso's voice was similar to a deep growl which send shivers all over Alice' body.

Slowly, the blond girl nodded.

"Good girl."

With those words, Lesso let got of Alice and slightly pushed her to the door. Alice understood the assignment and quickly left the office.

Outside, Alice took a deep breath. Her hear bumped hurtfully in her chest and it was kind of hard for her to think clear. What the heck did just happened?

Her cheeks started to warm up as Alice started walking down the corridor, hedding to her first class. She couldn't stop thinking about the moment she and Lesso just had shared. The way she spoke and how she gesticulated - it fascinated Alice.
But also, a strange feeling built itself in her stomach. She felt sick but also healthy at the same time.


Hearing Sophies voice, Alice slightly flinched and lifted her head.

Sophie looked at her with sorrow in her eyes.

"Are you okay? You stood here without moving and blinking for three minutes..?"

Alice swallowed. Has she really been that dismissive? That she didn't notice she stood in front of her classroom?

"I... uh... Yes. Everything is perfectly fine. Shall we?"

Alice gestured to the rooms direction. Sophie nodded, but Alice noticed that the reader didn't believe a single word she said.

Both of them entered the room for 'Uglification' and sat down - Alice in front of Sophie.

Shortly after, the teacher arrived and started the lesson. At first, he talked about that every villain has to be ugly to 'scare the hero away' - Alice' interpretation.

But that kind of couldn't work. Cause there was a beautiful hot dean who was one of the baddest Alice'd ever met. So - this class was kind of useless in her opinion.

Alice' thoughts were interrupted by a girly scream behind her. She turned on her chair to see a speechless Sophie who was ditched into the bowl with the black stuff which was supposed to make them ugly.

"Hey, Hort." Alice said after she recognised it was him who did that to her friend.
Captain Hook's son looked to her but too late - Alice'd already thrown her bowl at him.

For a moment, the class was in silence. Everyone stared at Alice and Hort who was completely showered with the black liquid.

"Alice Gold!" The teacher started to yell after he recovered from the first moment of shock. Alice turned her gaze to him - the black haired man seemed to be pretty angry but Alice wasn't impressed.

"Yes, sir? Is there any problem?" she asked with a calm voice and smiled sweetly at him which seemed to make him even more furious.

"Report to dean Lesso. Now!"

Silently, Alice stood up, left the class and made her way to the dean's office. Again this day.

The whole way, her thoughts were overwhelming her. What did she just do? Why did she react that way? What was wrong with her?

Not an only day and she felt like she was losing her mind. When she heard about this school, she'd never thought about the chaos which would come.

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