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Nervously, Alice walked up and down, drawing circles around her room. Her hands were sweaty and she felt like she was about to throw up every moment. Today's the day. The day on which the first years would get their finger glow.

Alice knew that it actually wasn't that big of a deal but she felt so excited and nervous about it that she couldn't stop thinking about possible scenarios that could happen during the ceremony. What if she was going to expose herself in front of everyone? What if her finger glow was just a faint whiff?

With shaking legs, Alice walked over to her little bathroom and knelt down before the toilet, a hand over her mouth. She felt sick and like a little child for worrying so needlessly, but she just couldn't stop.

She heard a slight knock on her room door and closed her eyes. If she wouldn't make a sound, the person behind the door may would just leave - thinking that she was at the dining room.

Her hands now started to shake as well as she thought about eating something. Her stomach turned and it was difficult for Alice to suppress the urge to gag.

"Princess, I know you're inside. Open the door."

"No." Alice muttered silently as her shaking gained on intensity. What would Lesso think about her if she would see her like that, trembling like a little girl.

She heard how Lesso knocked again.

"Princess. Open the goddamn door!" She yelled. Was that a worried tone in her voice?

Before Alice could response, she heard her door slam open and the dean entering the room.

"Princess, why are you-" Lesso broke off mid-sentence as she stood in the bathroom doorway and saw Alice slumped over the toilet bowl, trembling.

Worry crossed her face as she rushed over to Alice and got on her knees beside her.

"Darling, what's wrong?" She asked.

But Alice just turned her head away in embarrassment. She didn't want Lesso to see her like that. She didn't want Lesso to think that she was weak.

"Darling, look at me." Lesso gently commanded and placed her finger under Alice' chin to make her look at her. As she saw the tormented expression on Alice' face she swallowed.

"I- I'm s-sorry, L-lesso." Alice apologized before the first tears started to run over her cheek uncontrollably. Little sobs left her mouth and her body seemed to collapse even more than it already did.

Shocked, Lesso looked at the crying girl. She'd never thought seeing her strong girl like this and it made her heart ache.

"Shh... It's okay, Darling."

Carefully, Lesso sat down and wrapped her arms around the crying girl, pushing her slightly against her body. She started to stroke Alice' back and gave her little kisses on the forehead from time to time to calm her down. She'd never been a number one when it comes to comforting people but she tried to do her best with Alice.

After some moments, Alice' sobs started to abate until she layed only shivering in Lesso's arms. Her head rested on the redheads chest as she listened to her heartbeat.

Her feeling of throwing up was gone but now she felt tired and exhausted.

"Do you want to tell me what happend, Darling?" Lesso asked in a soft voice as she looked down at Alice. Alice tensed and her grip around Lessos waist hardened.

"It's... It's really dumb." She muffled against Lessos blue coat.

Carefully, Lesso forced the blond haired girl to look at her.

"Nothing that affects you is dumb, little Alice. Now please tell me what's wrong... Who has to spend some time in the doom room?"

Alice slightly chuckled about Lessos statement.

"I... I've been driving myself crazy about the ceremony later and dealed with what-if questions. And that probably went a bit too far" Alice explained her situation in a nutshell.

Lesso sighed.

"Darling, don't worry. I'll be very careful while activating your powers, okay?" Alice lifted her head to face Lesso who gazed at her with a warm expression on her face.

"Thank you... For being here and not leaving."

Lesso smiled and leaned closer.

"Anytime, my dear." She whispered before she gently kissed Alice.

They continued cuddling for some more minutes before Lesso slightly sat up straight. Questioning, Alice looked up to her, not wanting to stop. Lesso smirked and tucked a strand of hair behind Alice' ear.

"We have to go to the ceremony, my dear. It would be suspicious if we both would show up late."

Alice grumbled but let go of Lesso before both stood up. Gently, Lesso took her hand.

"Close your eyes, my dear."

Confused, Alice did as she was told, focusing on Lessos hand in hers.

Suddenly, she felt Lessos lips against hers and how a gentle breeze caressed her before Lesso's hand and her lips suddenly disappeared.

Alice opened her eyes in confusion but the dean was gone.

"Lady Lesso?" She asked and stepped into her room in case that the redhead would play a prank on her but Lesso was nowhere to be found.

That's when she noticed the little note on her bedsheets and took it.

Hope you like your new cloths, Darling. See you at the ceremony
- Lesso

Confused, Alice looked down at her. Her clothes indeed had changed!

Quickly, Alice rushed over to the mirror and looked at herself.

She no longer was wearing a black blouse with a skirt but a midnight blue dress with a golden corset. Also, there was a blue coat that fell to her knees and whose belt accentuated her waist.

Alice felt herself blushing.

"Oh Lesso." She mumbled happily, before she quickly left her room and rushed to the ceremony.

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