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"Today, you guys are going to improve your new powers."

Lady Lesso smirked as she said those words.

".... By fighting. A true villain must know his strengths and his weaknesses in a fight to defeat his nemesis."

Chatter broke out in class. It was the first time that they were actually allowed to fight against each other. Everyone was excited - except Alice.

She had woken up in the morning with a severe headache and sore throat and ague, had eaten nothing for breakfast and was just hoping to crawl back into her bed as soon as possible.

"Shut up!" Lesso shouted and all the chatter died down.

"I want you guys to split into groups of two. You'll fight against each other without hurting on a dangerous level. Is this clear?"

A uniform nod was the answer and Lesso gave the sign that they could start.

A tall-grown boy made his way over to Alice' desk and quickly Alice supressed her shivering. She rose an eyebrow as she looked up to him.

"Want to fight, little Alice?"

Alice smirked, before her eyes started to glow golden. Within seconds she managed it to throw the boy around the classroom with the power of her thoughts and satisfied, she leaned back in her chair.

Hester and Dot, who stood not far away from her, looked at her in awe.

"You little bitch."

Alice moved her head back to the boy who walked back to her. Blood spurted from a scratch on his temple and in anger he raised his hand with a red finger. Before Alice could react, she was yanked from her chair and pinned against the wall behind her.

"You think your little games work for me, Gold?" the boy growled and by now everyone was looking at the two. Lesso also eyed her students curiously, paying more attention to Alice.

Alice tried to move but the boy didn't let her. He stopped infront of her, his finger still glowing.

"You are too weak to even free yourself. You are just as weak as your father. Draw magic from a dagger. If it didn't exist, you would be nothing, you would be nobody!"

"Shut. Your. Mouth!"

Alice screamed before she finally managed to free herself. The boy stumbled back, but Alice was already in front of him, her hand on his chest before, as her father had taught her, she pulled his heart out of his chest.

The room was in silence, as she looked down at the fast beating heart in her hands.

"Naww. Your heart is all red, dearie. Don't you know? A true villains heart is black! B-L-A-C-K." Alice mocked before she gently started to squeeze the heart.

A painful yell escaped the boys lips as he got down on his knees, his hands on his chest.

"Don't you ever insult me and my family again." Alice hissed as she intensed the pressure on the heart. The boys cries got louder.

"Are we clear?" Alice asked and tilted her head.

The boy didn't answer so Alice again intensed the pressure.

"Alice!" She heard Lesso say but she didn't pay any attention to the dean. Her eyes laid on the boy to her feet.

"Y-yes." He whined and satisfied Alice snapped with her finger and the heart was back in the body of its owner.

But suddenly, Lessos hand wrapped around Alice' wrist.

"Class's dismissed." The dean said and alone by her voice Alice could tell that the dean was pissed.

"And you... little princess... are coming with me."

Alice didn't have the opportunity to speak, as the redhead dragged her out of the room.


"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" Lesso screamingly yelled at Alice who sat tied up in the chair in the doom room.

"He insulted my family!" Alice yelled back. She didn't see why she was sitting down here now, even though she had only defended her name and that of her father. She also didn't understand why Lesso was suddenly so angry.

Lesso took a deep breath.

"Alice. You nearly killed him!"

"And? He's not even true evil! You did see his heart, didn't you?!"

"Even if his heart isn't black, you're not allowed to kill somebody until you graduate!"

Alice rolled her eyes.

"Are you fucking serious?" She asked but then Lessos hand around her neck interrupted her.

"Don't you dare cursing at me, Darling." She growled in a deep raspy voice which send shivers all over Alice' body.

Alice opened her mouth to defense herself, but then she just sighed. She was too tired and felt too sick to argue with Lesso.

Lesso sat down on Alice lap and gently placed her hands on Alice' cheeks.

"Darling, I get your point. I just don't want you to get in trouble..."

She gently kissed Alice forehead and stroke her cheeks.

"Sorry, Lesso."

Questioning, the redhead tilted her head.

"For what, Darling?"

"For disappointing you."

"Oh Alice-" Lesso whispered, tears were building in her eyes and she quickly leaned forward and hugged Alice.

"Darling, you could never disappoint me. I'll always be proud of you, okay?" She lifted Alice' chin with her finger and smiled at the girl. Slowly, Alice returned the smile.

Carefully, Lesso stood back up and freed Alice from her chains.

"Come, little one." She said and held out her hand for Alice to take.

Slowly, Alice stood up but as soon as she got up, she felt dizzy.
"Alice? Are you okay?" Lesso asked worried, but Alice waved her off.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just need a moment."

Lesso nodded and went to the door to unlock it.

Alice tried to control the dizziness, but as soon as she took a step, it only got worse.

"Lesso?" she could say before her legs buckled under her and everything around her went black.

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