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Alice lifted her head to see Sophie walking towards her. At first, she wanted to run towards her friend, but then the words Lesso had said to her the day before came back to her mind.

"She watched how you got knocked out. She watched how you flew trough the room and crushed against one of the beams. She didn't do anything to help you Alice... Do you call that a friend?"

So Alice just stood on the spot she was and waited for Sophie to stop in front of her.

"Alice, there's so much I have to tell you!" She said and before Alice could reply, the reader hugged her.

Alice froze. Never, in her whole life had she been hugged. She didn't know what to do, a strange feeling grew in her stomach as she waited for Sophie to pull back.


"No worries. It's just that villains usually don't hug their children to show their closeness."

Shocked, Sophie looked at her friend.

"That sounds awful. Did you really never got hugged, stroked or kissed?"

"You don't get it, do you?"

Alice' voice was similar to a growl as she took a step towards the reader. Her eyes began to glow golden which was why Sophie took a step back, startled.

"What do you m-mean, A-alice?" She stuttered, not recognising her friend.

"Villains don't love their children, dearie. Do you really think that my dad loves me? How pathetic." Alice spat.

"A-and your m-mum?"

Alice hesitated.

"My mum's dead."

Sophie's eyes widened and and she looked at Alice with sadness in her eyes.

"My sincerest condolences, Alice-"

"Stop your apologies, reader!"

A tear run over Sophies face and she flinched as Alice yelled at her.

"Why a-are you so mean?"

Alice rose an eyebrow.

"Why am I mean? Really? I should ask you a similar question! Where were you, when I needed you?! I tried my best to make sure that you're safe but you didn't think about looking after me when I was knocked out!"

It was hard for Alice not to scream. Anger made her blood boil and her eyes where shining in light golden tone.

"Lesso dragged me out of the room! I didn't have a chance to look after you! You're the only friend I have at this god damn school, Alice! Why should I betray you?!"

Both girls now had tears in their eyes. Alice was the first who broke their eye contact.

She looked away and took some deep breaths before she looked back at Sophie. Her eyes'd gone back to their original colour.

"Sorry. I guess I overreacted."

"No. I have to apologize. I really should have looked after you. Can you forgive me?"

Alice nodded and smiled at the reader. But deep inside her she knew that her bond with the blond haired girl was broken. She would see what the future was holding for them before she would decide if they still were friends..


The girls turned around to see Agatha hedding near them.

"Sorry, I-"

Alice shook her head.

"No worries, Sophie. See you later?"

Sophie nodded before she said goodbye to Alice and headed towards Agatha who nodded in Alice' direction. Alice nodded back before she moved to leave the room.

But before she arrived at the door she could her a scream and turned around to see Sophie who got dragged out by a wolf guard.

Quickly, Alice rushed over but got caught from behind. She turned around to face another wolf guard but she recognised him.


"Miss Gold." The guard responded as he let go of her wrist.

"What's happening? What are they doing to Sophie?" Alice asked and turned around to see that Sophie and the other two guards were gone.

"She is taken to the doom room."

"But why?"

"I can't tell you!"

Angrily, Alice looked up at the guard.

"Sophie would never break the rules on purpose. She isn't a Never. Everybody here knows that! So why is she dragged to the doom room?" She bickered.

"Instructions from Lady Lesso. I can't tell you more. And now you better go before you end up down there too for talking to me!"

Alice nodded and muttered a short 'thank you' before she quickly exited the room.

But instead of going back to her room or her next class room, she made her way straight to Lesso's office.

She might wasn't sure if Sophie still was a real friend but in the time they knew each other, Sophie was the first one who'd ever cared for her.

She banged at the door but no-one opened.

"Damn you Lesso!" Alice growled slightly before she sat down at the floor and leaned herself against the wooden door.

She didn't how long she waited since she'd never had a good feeling for time. She was aware that she was purposely skipping her class but in this moment her friend was more important.

Then, she heard quick foot steps coming near her which was why she lifted her head to see Lady Lesso walking down the corridor. When the redhead noticed the girl, she slowed her tempo until she came to a atop in front of Alice.

"Alice? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class right now?"

"What did you do to Sophie? Why was she dragged into the doom room?" Alice questioned and stood up. But her numb legs buckled and she almost fell to the ground if Lesso hadn't caught her in time.

Shocked, Alice looked up to face Lesso. She waited for a yell or an other sarcastic comment but Lesso didn't say a single word. She just looked down at Alice, her hands still on Alice' waist, holding her close to her own body.

"Be careful, little Alice." Lesso whispered before she took one of her hands off Alice's waist and opened the door.

"We'll talk inside, little one. Not that you'll fall again."

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