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Silently, Alice sat in her classroom. Sophie sat next to her and seemed to be caught in her own little world which was why Alice didn't want to interrupt her.

She thought about last night. The feeling of Lessos hand on her body. The way Lesso had looked at her - for a short time.
Alice didn't knew why the dean suddenly had acted so mean and evil again.

The sound of a footsteps who were accompanied by a bang at regular intervals caught Alice' attention and she looked up to see Lady Lesso entering the room. The dean wore her blue coat and leaned on her cane after stopping in the middle of the room.

"Every villain has a special talent they can hone into a powerful weapon to defeat their nemesis" She immediately started her lesson.

Literally everyone was silent and listened to her words.

"What's a nemesis?" Hort interrupted her. Alice rolled her eyes. Every child of a villain knew what a nemesis was.

"Your archenemy!" Lesso answered after she had turned into Hort's direction and pointed with her cane at him.

"Your story will not end until one of you..."

Lesso made a little break and turned around. She now was facing Alice and the girls that were sitting around her.

An evil smile grew around the corners of her lips as the redhead finished her sentence.

"... is destroyed."

Wiggling her cane, Lesso returned to the middle of the room.

"Now... I want you to dazzle me with whatever you believe your unique talent is. Hort!" Lesso banged her cane on Horts table.

"You're first."

Hort stood up.

"Well... I've been working on my werwolf powers in hex class! Watch this!"

He grunts and closed his eyes to concentrate.

Alice and the others watched as he continued groaning until a single black hair spread out of his chest. The class bursted out laughing.

"Well done Hort!" A girl mocked him and some others joined her. Alice smiled evily.

"I told you that you're here to become a henchman. Not a villain." Alice teased him. Hort threw a hateful gaze in her direction.

"Alright." Lesso shut up the class. "Next time I need a skinny, one haired werwolf I make sure to call you. Sit down." With those words she made him sit down again and turned to the girl that sat next to Hort and also next to Alice.

"Please tell me you can do better!" Lesso said to the girl - who was named Dot.

Alice looked back at Sophie. The blond haired girl noticed her gaze and looked at her questioning.

Alice nodded in Horts direction and rolled her eyes. A soft smile grew on Sophies face as she tried to avoid a giggle.


Alice looked back at Lady Lesso who looked at her friend. But in opposite of the way Lesso'd looked at the other two she now seemed to be annoyed that the reader was in her class.

"Those who are truly good can summon the animals of the forest-"

Lesso mockingly shook her head and rolled her eyes in pure annoyance while Alice closed her eyes in disbelief.

"I used to do it with my squirrel friends." Sophie continued but was interrupted by a dark haired girl. From Sophies description Alice would say that she was Hester.

"Oh god. Give it up. Why don't you summon a cliff and go jump of it?" She asked and made the class laugh.

"Why don't you find someone else to have mommy issues with?" Sophie responded which made Alice quickly cover her mouth with her hand so that nobody would notice her giggle.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother. You know nothing about her." Hester growled angrily.

Curios, Alice looked back at Sophie to see what she would say.

"I know she did one hell of a good job turning you into a raven lunatic."

Alice eyes widened as she saw Hester standing up and walking over to Sophie. She bend down so that both of them were on the same eye level.

Both of them shared some words Alice couldn't understand but then Sophie stood up and Hester started to walk backwards.

"You want to get out of here, princess?"

But suddenly, a little dragon made its way out of Hesters skin.

Alice clenched her hands into fists. Her gaze went to Lady Lesso but the dean already was looking at her with a smirk on her lips.

"This is delightful!" She said and clapped her hands exaggeratedly happily. Her provocative gaze was on Alice as if she was waiting for her reaction. The redhead slightly rose an eyebrow before she looked at the arguing girl again. Alice did the same.

Quickly, Alice rose and stood next to Sophie.

"Out of my way, Gold. This isn't your fight!" Hester hissed at her but Alice stayed at Sophie's side.

"Well... One of us has to have style... Even if that means to act good." Alice responded as her eyes started to glow golden.

She heard the class gasp for air.

Then, all of a sudden, Hester let go her dragon demon and Alice quickly took Sophie to the side to avoid getting burned.

Both of the girls fell to the ground but Alice stood back up.

She felt her eyes burning and a warm feeling in her body. She felt like she was on fire.

"You shouldn't mess with the Stilzkin-Family, Hester!" She hissed before she formed a golden ball of chaos magic - like her father used to call it - in her hand and threw it into Hesters direction.

Hester dodged.

"You little bi-"

She couldn't finished her sentence because Alice threw another ball into her direction. Again, the dark haired girl dodged.

Alice made her way to Hester but in the middle of the room a hand wrapped around her wrist. Angrily, Alice looked up to see Lesso looking at her with an strict gaze.

"Hester's right. This isn't your-"

A loud yell interrupted Lesso and with wide eyes Alice turned her head back at Hester's direction. The little demon had grown a little bit and during the few seconds in which Alice was distracted by Lesso it has made its way to her and knocked her off her feet with a fiery flap of their wings.

Alice was thrown backwards, just hearing Sophie call her name and Lesso Hester's, before she slammed into a beam and fell to the ground unconscious.

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