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"What do you want, Manley?" Lesso asked annoyed as the professor'd sat down before her desk. Her cold gaze layed on the black haired man.

"It's about the girl-"

"Are you kidding? There are many girls at this school. If you don't slowly get out of the crease, you've got a problem, my friend."

Alice could hear the teacher swallow.

"About the Gold girl." He said.

Alice looked up to Lesso who rose an eyebrow.

"What's up with her?" She asked.

"It's the second time that she isn't coming to my class. I don't want to let her fail but if it happens one more time I have to-"

"Why don't you want her to fail?" Lesso interrupted with an slight aggressive tone. Her hands which layed on her thighs clenched into fists.

"She's the daughter of the Dark One himself. I don't want him to be my enemy."

Alice saw how Lesso tried hard to suppress a chuckle. She herself smiled in amusement about what her teacher just had said.

Lesso leaned forward.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it. Now leave."

"Y-yes, ma'am."

Alice heard how the man quickly stood up and left the office. After the door had closed behind him, both - Lesso and Alice - started to giggle and to laugh.

At this, Lesso moved her chair back so that she could face Alice.

"Wow. He's terrified of your father, little one."

Alice smiled before she crawled out from under the table.

Lesso was still sitting on the chair with her legs apart and looked at Alice with a slight smile on her lips. Then, the smile disappeared.

"You." She said and Alice looked at her confused and questioning. She didn't knew why Lesso's facials had changed so fast.

"You, you, you, you. You're skipping your class? What a misbehave, my dear."

Alice didn't know how to react but then she noticed the teasing expression in Lesso's eyes which made her relax a little bit.

She decided to join Lesso's little game.

"Well... I have a good excuse for that, Lady Lesso." She said and looked at the dean innocently.

Lesso tilted her head playfully as she watched her student.

"Tell me, little one." She commanded.

Alice smiled, before she crawled towards Lesso until she got back on her knees right between Lesso's legs.

"You know... there's a... hot and beautiful girl who distract me a lot..." Alice said.

Lesso leaned forward. Again, their faces were so damn close that Alice could smell the slight sense of orange and cedar wood she adored so much.

"Tell me about the girl..." Lesso said while she stroke with her finger through Alice' her, over her cheek until it stopped under her chin.

"Well... she's smart, attractive, sarcastic, has very good style... and seems to love to distract me anytime, anywhere" Alice whispered against Lesso's lips which curled into a little smile.

"I guess I have to punish her for doing such things to you, Darling."

With those words, Lesso closed the gasp between them and pressed her lips against Alice'. With her hands she pulled Alice onto her lap, which elicited a soft moan from the blond haired girl.

Satisfied, Lesso pulled away from Alice and looked at her, noting the wanting expression on her face before kissing her again. Alice clawed her hands into Lesso's mane of red hair, trying to get as close to her as possible. Their kiss got more passionate until they had to break apart again.

While Alice tried to regulate her breath, Lesso kissed her way down on Alice throat to her neck which made Alice moan slightly. Her chest heaved erratically as Lesso carefully pulled away and looked at her with a warm expression in his eyes.

"Out of breath that fast?" Lesso asked mockingly before she gently hugged Alice. Alice willingly let herself fall against her, rested her forehead on Lesso's shoulder, closed her eyes and inhaled deeply the dean's scent.

"My little princess." Lesso muttered before she gave Alice a quick kiss on her head before she started to stroke her back with her hands.

At first, Alice tensed but with the time she started to relax in Lessos arms again. Lesso didn't mind. She knew how rough the children of villains were threaten and it made her proud that Alice relaxed so fast around her.

And so it didn't take long until the girl fell asleep.

Smiling, Lesso watched her for a while, still stroking, before she leaned back at her chair and closed her eyes as well. But before, she magically locked her door - just in case.


Slowly, Alice opened her eyes. She felt comfortable and warm and tried to sit up until she realised that it wasn't a blanket which covered her but Lady Lesso's arms. Shortly after, she remembered what happened between them and a big happy smile grew on her face.

Carefully, she turned her head to look at the still sleeping dean. Alice smiled as she saw the relaxed facials and how peaceful Lessos seemed during sleep.

"Even though I showed you my soft side... Staring still is rude, Darling."

Alice blushed deeply as Lesso opened her eyes and looked at Alice. But her smile told Alice that the dean wasn't angry with her.

Gently, Lesso stroke a brand of hair behind Alice' ear before she kissed her.

"As much as I love you being here... But I suggest you have to return to your classes, my dear."

Alice rolled her eyes and let out a little growl which made Lesso laugh.

"I don't want to!" She groaned before she stood back up. Lesso did as well and hugged her tightly.

"Do it for me, Darling." Lesso whispered into Alice ear and gently kissed her cheek.

Alice sighed and leaned her forehead against Lessos shoulder. She didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay with her dean for the whole day. But she knew that she had to go.

"When... When I go now... Will there be other moments like... this one?" Alice whispered and looked up to Lesso who watched her with a warm gaze.

Smiling, Lesso gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before they pulled apart.

"Definitely, my dear. Now hush!"

Alice nodded, before she quickly left the office.

Watching her leave, Lesso sighed deeply as she leaned herself against the wall.

"I hope it's worth it, Rafal."

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