T W E N T Y - F I V E

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The first thing Alice felt was a comfortable pad. The next thing was some hair tickling her nose. After that, something heavy on her outstretched arm.

With a few tries, Alice managed to open her eyes. She felt dizzy for a brief moment, but after a while it went away.

What happened? The last thing she could remember was Rafal pulling her magic out of her body. And-


Her voice was like a hoarse croak, barely audible, but the redhead who had been laying with her forehead on her arm moved.


It was difficult for Alice to smile, but she didn't had to. The next moment two arms wrapped around her body and the red-haired Dean pressed herself against her.

"Oh Alice. I'm so sorry about everything! This is all my fault! I never wanted Rafal to get his hands on you. I just wanted you to be with me. I'm sorry I lied to Dovey. I love you. I love you with all that I am and all I have. You have managed to show me what true love is and I swear that I will do whatever it takes to protect you-"

"Lesso, breathe!" Alice interrupted her softly but firmly. Touched by the redhead's words, she gently rubbed her back before Lesso pulled away and sat back up properly.

With her help, Alice managed to sit up as well. Then she looked around before looking back at Leonora.

"What exactly happened?"

Leonora explained to Alice what had happened in the past week. And Alice listened. When she heard that her dad had been here and hadn't crushed Leonora's heart, she had to suppress a smile.

But what touched Alice the most was Leonora herself. The way she explained. How now and then a tear escaped the Dean's eye.

And she forgave Leonora.

When Lady Lesso had finished, she fell silent and looked at her little Alice.

But Alice looked at her with a stony blank expression that made Lesso's blood run cold.

"Lesso... I hate you."

"I know, Dar- Alice. I understand. But please, please give me a chance-" Confused, Leonora noticed how Alice let out a chuckle and took the deans hands.

"I hate you for not telling me your name."

Lesso was flabbergasted.


Alice smirked before gently kissing the back of Lesso's left hand.

"Rafal told me your name's Leonora... But I like Nora better."

"If calling me Nora makes you happy, then do it."

Alice smiled.

"Can I call you 'cutie' too?"

"Dream on darling."

Both Nevers chuckled before another, this time comfortable, silence fell over them.

Leonora gently cupped Alice's face and brushed a strand of blond hair out of her eye with her thumb.

"I know I screwed up quite a bit... But can you forgive me?"

Alice smiled.

"Always. I love you, Nora."

"And I love you darling."

The two's lips gently met in a tentative, tender kiss. Both put all their feelings and emotions into it, both happy to be able to hold each other in their arms again.


"You know what, Nora?"

"What is it, Darling?"

The school year had come to an early end and all the students had gone home. All except Alice who stayed with Leonora.

Alice and Leonora sat on the wide wall in front of the schoolmaster's tower and looked into the sunset. More specifically, Alice watched the sunset - Leonora watched her Alice with a small happy smile on her face.

"They say villains don't get happy endings. But you know, that's bullshit!"

Alice pulled her eyes from the sunset to look at her girlfriend.

"You're not my happy ending, Nora."

Leonora swallowed confused,  unsure of what was coming next.

Alice smiled.

"You are the happy beginning of our Fairytale!"

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