T W E N T Y - F O U R

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Leonora looked down silently at the lifeless body in front of her. Tears ran silently down her cheeks and she no longer tried to hide her trembling and her pain.

Her beloved Alice was dead.

"Oh Alice." she whispered as she tenderly caught one of the carefully brushed strands of hair between her fingers. Memories came before her inner eye. How she had pressed Alice's cold body to her when she had spent the nights sick with her. How she had always stood up for Sophie.

A single sob escaped her lips as Leonora looked down at the blond haired girl. Her gaze slid over the now closed eyes, which had once radiated so much joie de vivre and curiosity. The blond hair, the pale skin. The black dress and corset with gold lace that Alice loved so much.

Today was the day Alice would be taken home. Rumpelstiltskin would be arriving any moment to take his daughter's body home.

Leonora was afraid of meeting the Dark One. Afraid of having to explain why, being responsible for Alice, she was to blame for her death.

Because that's what Leonora did. If she hadn't let Rafal influence her when she was at school, none of this would have happened. If she hadn't fallen in love with him and done everything to find reciprocation, Alice would still be alive.

"Forgive me Alice." the red-haired Dean murmured hoarsely. She hadn't spoken in days, and if she had, it was only to Alice's lifeless body. She had skipped her class. Day and night she had been by Alice's side, trying everything she could to bring her back to life.

Leonora took a deep breath, her hand closing around Alice's. What would she do to have her girl back? She would serve her soul on a silver platter to the devil himself just to be with Alice one last time. So that she could explain everything to her. could tell her that she loved her. Because Leonora did that too. She loved her Alice. She cursed herself day after day for not admitting it openly in front of Alice and Clarissa Dovey. If she had, Alice might still be alive.

"All magic comes with a price. But the magic of love is even more powerful than good and evil can fight against it."

Startled, Leonora jumped up, her gaze fixed on the opposite side of the room. Rumpelstilskin was standing there, dressed all in black. Leonora had heard all the stories from him, but none of them had ever told that tears of sadness and an expression of pain could be seen on his face.

"Mr Gold-"

The dark one raised his hand and immediately Leonora fell silent.

"No need to get formal, Dearie."

At the sound of the nickname, tears came to Leonora's eyes again. dearie Alice always said so. All day, whenever she wanted to tease Lesso, a cheeky "Dearie" was appended to the end of her sentence.

"We both lost someone important. I mean daughter, you someone who wasn't just a student to you." Rumpelstiltskin knew. He knew there had been more between Leonora and Alice. The dean didn't know how and where from, but she didn't care at that moment. She looked silently at the little man who slowly approached with muffled steps and finally came to a halt on the other side of the bed.

He looked down at his daughter in anguish, a scale-covered hand gently stroking her cheek.

But then he stopped.

Leonora looked at him questioningly, but the dark one seemed to have completely hidden her.

"What's up?" asked Leonora confused.

A grin spread across Rumpelstiltskin's face as he looked up at her.

"True love's kiss, huh?"

Leonora raised an eyebrow.

"What has-"

"Because of that bastard of a wannabe villain, she lost all of her magical powers. You transferred some of your magic to her with the kiss."

"And that means?" Lesso wanted to know, who firstly didn't understand what Mr Gold wanted from her and secondly was getting fed up with his secrecy.

Rumplestilzkin straightened to his full height and looked at her.

"She is in the process of regeneration. Her body, which has absorbed your magic, is trying to use it to make up for her own lost magic."

Leonora staggered and had to support herself on the wall next to her. The words of the dark buzzed around in her head and slowly all the pieces put together a puzzle.

"That means-"

The Dark One nodded.

"Alice is alive."

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