nighttime-yangyang (nct/wayv)

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m/n was sitting in bed on his phone. he wasn't doing anything with purpose, he just felt like aimlessly scrolling before he had to go to sleep. the clock on his bedside table kept ticking along as he sat all alone, waiting for anyone to join him.

an ache in his back started to form, m/n getting up and stretching. "i should go sit somewhere else." grabbing a blanket from the small pile in the corner, m/n picked up one of his boyfriend's hoodies, he exited the room and sitting on his couch. cuddling up on the cushions, m/n leaned over and grabbed his textbooks and pencil bag, getting ready to start taking notes for the lab they were doing. while his partner was a successful musician, m/n was in his third year of med school at SNU working a night shift at a supermarket.

the time on his phone turned to 1:48, m/n continuing to mindlessly study. "tachycardia, no, myocardial infarction, wait." he placed his head in his hands, confused at what page he was on. "what lab were we doing?" m/n asked no one, flipping through his phone calendar. "shit, is it the liver tumor one? oh it is." groaning, m/n flipped the page, starting new notes.

his eyes ached in sleepiness, the inability to actual fall out of being awake lacked. continuing to rub his face, m/n read on the page, his likelihood of success during the biopsy going down as the less sleep he got.

"i want to go to sleep." m/n complained, the pages turning as the textbooks fell off the page, going under the covers. checking his phone, m/n smiled at the name he got a notification from.

sleepy yang🐑

hi bubba! i don't know if
you're awake, but i'm on
the way home!
i'll give you multiple kisses


omg m/n! it's so late
can you sleep?

no i miss you :(
im studying rn :(

oh okay
i'm sneaking out of the dorm
rn so ill be there soon

okay bubs!
read: 2:17

smiling, m/n continued to sit on his couch, excited to see his partner. every sound entered his ears and sent a shock through his body, waiting for his boyfriend.

"i'm home." his boyfriend said, opening the door, his body damp. "yangie!" m/n said, yangyang laying his backpack at the front door, most likely to stay over for the next week. "how's my lovebug doing?" he asked, wrapping his arms around m/n's torso, pecking his temple. "studying for a lab i have this week." smiling, yangyang looked around to see books strewn around. "i see that. do you want to go to sleep?" m/n nodded, yangyang smiling as he wrapped him in a blanket, picking up the boy and walking to their room.

tucking them in bed, m/n sloppily connected their lips, the connection like a caffeine waking m/n up even more. "excited to see me?" he asked, m/n nodding. "sleep lovebug. you need too." closing his eyes, m/n snuggled up to his partner, ready for the sleep to hit his body.

he was waiting. and waiting. and still waiting. he was ready you know.

sitting up in frustration, m/n startled the half asleep yangyang, tears falling from his eyes. "are you okay?" m/n looked at him, his crying stopping quickly. "i can't fall asleep." yangyang laughed, holding onto the boy tightly. "then we can just hang out. don't cry love." m/n smiled as yangyang's soft hands brushed across his face. "okay yangie."

the two talked for hours, even through the sleepiness. "yang you should sleep." m/n said, noticing his boyfriend's lidded eyes. "no, not until you do." m/n smiled, his heart calming down as yangyang placed their lips together, wrapping him tightly. he felt m/n's hot breath against his neck, smiling as the sleep had caught up to the boy.

he had gotten through the nighttime.


m/n opened his eyes, the light causing him to blink intensely. "good morning sleeping beauty." yangyang said, looking at m/n's tired face. "how long did i sleep?" "like 10 hours. it's 4:30." m/n gasped, his raspy voice coming through. "sorry i kept you up." yangyang smiled, patting his head.

"all worth it for you."

word count: 733
status: unedited
original date of publish: 5/10/2023

if anyone says this is similar to sleep buddies you arent correct
the day i schedule a yangers oneshot is the day xuxi leaves nct TT im so sad
anyways, this is probably one of the last nct oneshots before they get moved into the new book.


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