introduction-niki (enhypen)

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m/n sat happily in his new car, tapping his fingers on the wheel, joji playing through the speakers. he waited outside of his boyfriend's company, waiting for him to finish his practice. scrolling through his phone, he sighed, not being able to focus on the mindless app as he looked out the window longingly.

a bright smile was placed on his face as niki's hair bounced when walking out from the door came into his view, a black mask on his face. "babe!" m/n smiled, niki pulling down his mask as he opened the door, connecting their lips happily. wrapping his arms around niki's neck, the two kissed in the front seat of his car.

pulling away, m/n rubbed his lips, turning the key in the engine, putting the dorm on his gps. smiling, niki put his hand on m/n's thigh, his head on his shoulder.

the two hummed along to the music, m/n focusing on the road. "hey babe," m/n said, niki humming in response. "are we going to your members today?" niki stopped scrowling, looking over at his boyfriend. "yes, i think so."

grinning largely, m/n placed his arm over niki as they went over a bump, niki nuzzling into it. "we're here." niki said, recognizing his home building. nodding, m/n got out of the car, grabbing the bags from the backseat, following his boyfriend inside.


"i'm home!" niki said, clutching onto his boyfriend's hand. "finally. we're starving." sunoo whined, jungwon hitting him on the back of his head. "quiet." m/n slowly hid behind his boyfriend, not wanting to draw attention to himself. "niki, whose that?" jake said, looking over at the hidden boy. "oh,"

m/n looked at him, niki taking a deep breath. "this is my friend m/n! he's staying over tonight." the bright smile on m/n's face disappeared, a pout replacing it. "niki-" he whispered, his voice getting drowned out by dinner being placed onto the table.

walking over to the table, niki sat next to sunoo, the two bickering over ramyeon, leaving m/n to sit in between heeseung and jungwon. "how are you m/n?" heeseung asked, oblivious to m/n's long sighs and longing stares. "i'm alright, how about you?"

heeseung happily responded, the awkward conversation ending there. the sad thoughts in m/n's mind came rushing back, overwhelming him. was he not important enough?

finishing through his dinner, he smiled weakly at the people around him, feeling out of place. "are you okay?" jake asked, seeing m/n's frown. he replaced the look with a cheery smile, masking his hurt. "yeah, i'm fine. just tired." "then do you want to go to bed? niki can take you to his room."

m/n stopped at jay's question, niki looking over at him. "i guess." jay nodded his head toward niki, niki standing up from his chair, clasping onto m/n's hand, m/n pulling his hand away.

"babe-" "please no niki." silently nodding, the two walked in silence, going into the shared bedroom, niki placing their bags down. "babe what's wrong?" m/n sat down, not listening to him. "babe." niki said, clasping onto his boyfriend's hands, m/n staring off into space. "babe tell me what's wrong." letting out a puff of breath, m/n looked back at his boyfriend, his heart beating faster at niki's pretty face. "you said you would tell them about our relationship."

a large pout was on m/n face, niki grabbing the boy's hips and kissing his lips. "i'm sorry babe. i panicked and didn't know what to say." "i know it's stupid for me to be upset, but i was really hopeful that we would be able to tell your members who mean a lot to you." pecking his lips again, niki rubbed his boyfriend's hair, doting on him. "we can tell them if you want?" "i would really like that."

niki closed the distance between them, connecting their lips again. m/n moved up to his lap, hands cupping niki's face. his boyfriend rubbed his boyfriend's back, putting his hand on under his shirt, playing with the hem.

"want to go love?" m/n hummed in agreement, separating the two, and walking out into the hallway, niki following behind him.

"hey guys." niki said, sunghoon pausing the movie the 6 were watching. "what?" jungwon asked, adjusting his blanket. "you know how i told you m/n was my friend?" the group nodded, niki taking a deep breath. "well, he technically is something else."

"what, are you two dating?" jake said in an offhand comment, niki going silent. "wait, really?" niki nodded, jake jumping up. "you're dating someone?" sunoo screamed, chaos erupting in the living room. "how long?" "about 6 months." m/n said, clutching onto his boyfriend's arm. "how could you keep this from us for 6 months?" heeseung asked, the couple laughing. "because it's fun to make you jealous."

he groaned, the group laughing. "come on, sit with us!" jake said, starting the movie again. niki back hugged m/n, sitting down on the floor, m/n getting a throw blanket as he climbed onto his boyfriend's lap, snuggling deep into his chest.

"are you happy?" m/n nodded, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. "so so happy." the two connected their lips, enjoying a sweet kiss before getting interrupted, jay clearing his throat.

"i get you are in love but can y'all not make out right in front of me, kay thanks." niki stuck his tongue out, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. "you're just jealous." "watch the movie babe."

niki smiled, focusing on the movie, playing with his boyfriend's hands. m/n slowly started to drift off, niki pecking the boy's shoulders and head.

"they're so cute." heeseung whispered, jungwon happily agreeing. "i'm invested now. they better get married when they're older."

"i can hear you, you know." niki said, rubbing his boyfriend's stomach. "we know." heeseung smiled, niki flipping him off.

word count: 999
status: unedited
original date of publish: 5/22/2023
requested by: Kpop_Geek_Duh <3
tags: zeptosis <3

i loved this sm
i find it funny an enha oneshot went out on the day of their comeback. that wasnt planned.
goodnight my loves<3


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