you did well-zhanghao (zb1)

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note: i stan zb1 but zhanghao might be ooc :/ shorter oneshot

flipping around his papers, m/n sighed deeply, tears pricking his eyes. m/n sat in his & his partner's shared bed, stacks of papers and books surronding him. he was currently studying for his ap chemistry exam and he was more stressed than necessary.

"darling?" a voice called, m/n sighing deeply. "darling are you in there?" they asked, knocking on the bedroom door, slowly opening it. "m/n are you overworking?" "no hao." he muttered, hao moving over to hold his face. "are you okay?" "i guess."

holding onto his boyfriend's hand, m/n weakly smiled, pecking his cheek. "i think i'm going to fail." m/n frowned, his voice barely above a whisper. "no." hao said, holding his boyfriend's arms. "don't say that. you're going to do great!"
"i just-" his sentence was cut off by hao's lips against his.

"nope. not continuing." smiling, m/n pecked hao's lips again, leaning into his arms. "i want to nap." m/n mumbled, hao moving the papers off the bed and onto the floor. "come here." hao smiled, m/n climbing into his lap. "i love you." smiling, hao pecked his boyfriend's lips, cuddling him under their blankets.

"i love you too."


exiting the exam hall, m/n let out a deep breath, hao waiting for him outside. "good job darling." he smiled, hugging him. "i think i didn't do well." m/n sighed, tears pricking his eyes. "what no." hao said, holding his boyfriend's face. water trickled down his face, hao wiping them with his thumbs. "can we go home? i'm tired."

nodding, hao connected their lips, m/n kissing back happily. "better?" "much better." patting his head, hao turned around, m/n confused. "get on my back." rolling his eyes, m/n climbed up on his boyfriend's back, laughing as hao ran out.

finally there was a smile on his face.


pacing around the house, m/n groaned, sitting on his couch. "i'll just watch some tv." he smiled, getting under a blanket, turning on business proposal.

the show played, m/n's mind spacing out. "i'll get a good grade, right?" m/n said, staring at the ceiling. "maybe," he said, flipping over. "maybe not." sitting up, he put his head in his hands, hao walking through the front door.

"darling?" he asked, dropping his bags down. "in the living room." m/n said, hao sitting next to him. "you okay?" hao snuggled into his boyfriend's side, m/n petting his hair. "nervous as hell." "grades are coming out?" m/n nodded, hao pecking his lips.

"you got this love. i know you did your best." "sure." m/n said, holding onto his partner. his phone buzzed, m/n picking it up. "grades are out." hao held m/n's hand, m/n opening the gradebook.

he couldn't believe his eyes.

tears started falling, hao holding him tightly. "what's wrong?" "i-" his voice cracked, hao rubbing his pack. "i got an 86. i'm fucked." hao was confused. "but that's good?" "no it's not." m/n sobbed, putting his head in the crook of hao's neck. "i'm going to be disowned."

"no love you did amazing!" hao said, squeezing him. "but i didn't do perfect. how am i supposed to do anything now?" frowning, hao connected their lips, m/n kissing back. "you don't need to worry about that. you did so well. see, you have the highest grade in the class!"

"shut up." m/n cried, clutching hao's shirt. "darling, you don't deserve to worry about a number. you're my smart angel." his tears slowed, hao rubbing backward. "love you?" laughing, m/n kissed his lips, tears flowing from his eyes. "love you hao."

holding m/n tightly, hao connected their lips, their mouths moving slowly together. m/n's heart slowed back to normal, happily kissing his boyfriend. pulling away, hao laughed, pecking m/n's lips.

"i'm so so proud of you."

word count: 653
status: unedited
original date of publish: 7/25/2023

eugh im so tired
sorry its short pookies
thanks for 22k reads on male reader and 180+ sunflowers!
mwua mwua im going to sleep


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