secret <extended>-minghao (seventeen)

615 22 1

tw! vomiting, cursing

"god my head hurts." m/n complained, minghao kissing his forehead gently. the couple was laying in m/n's bed, minghao's arm tightly wrapped around his boyfriend's chest, the covers scrunched around them. "i'm sorry my love." the couple sat in silence for a few minutes, listening to the sounds of their breathing. "hey hao," m/n said, minghao humming to show his attention. "i think it's time to tell your friends we're dating. i mean, we've been together for a while." minghao smiled, holding m/n's neck. "i think so too." m/n smiled, kissing his boyfriend. "are you sure you're ready? i don't want to push you." m/n rolled his eyes, wincing his pain. "yep. definitely ready." "do you want some advil?" "yeah bro." minghao fist bumped his boyfriend, grabbing the advil from the dresser, empty packets and silver foil glittering.

"here." minghao asked, giving him the two pills and the glass of water on the bedside table. "ooh, that's some nice water." m/n said, minghao nodding. "yep, good, dirty, toxic water." "my favorite kind. salmonella water." minghao laughed, m/n holding his head. "i prefer ecoli water to be honest." "you're right, that is the best." m/n agreed, minghao holding his wrist. "take your medicine love." m/n placed the pills in his mouth, swallowing with the water. he coughed, minghao worriedly holding his back. "god i feel sick."

minghao's eyes went from gleeful to a stage of panic. "lay down slowly." he said, guiding m/n down slowly. "close you eyes." m/n closed his eyes, minghao dimming the light. grabbing the cloth of m/n's shirt, lifting it up slowly, placing his cool hand onto his warm torso. minghao traced small circles onto his boyfriend's stomach, giving him a bellyrub. "sleep love." m/n groaned in pain, closing his eyes, drifting off to slumber. "god you're cute." minghao whispered, kissing m/n's ears.

he closed his own eyes,

a happy secret being close to his heart.


minghao woke up, checking the time, sitting up. then he heard it. gagging. he ripped off the covers, running into the bathroom to see his boyfriend leaning over the toilet. "i'm here love." minghao sat down next to m/n, pushing back the boy's hair as he vomited. "it's okay love." he said, rubbing the boy's back.

m/n coughed, wiping his lips. "i think i'm done." minghao smiled, playing with the boy's loose hair strands. "i'll get you some water, stay here." m/n gave him a weak thumbs up, minghao quickly returning with the water. he slowly lifted it to m/n's lips, the boy drinking it slowly. "thanks hao." minghao hummed in response, his arms loosely wrapped around m/n's waist, laying on the tile floor.

a few minutes passed by, minghao hearing a quivering noise from beside him. "baby? are you alright?" m/n looked over, tears in his eyes. "just overwhelmed." he whispered, his voice shaking. "i'm sorry." minghao said, brushing the silently crying boy's hair. "is there anything you want me to do?" "just say with me please." minghao smiled, kissing the boy's forehead. they laid on the tile floor for a while, trying to relax the tired boy.

"would you like to eat dinner?" minghao asked, m/n smiling happily. minghao stood up, holding out his hands to help m/n up. the boy made grabby hands, minghao picking him up, m/n wrapping his legs around minghao's waist.

they walked into the kitchen, minghao heating up leftovers that m/n had in his fridge. "can you sit me down hao." m/n asked, minghao kissing the boy's lips, placing him down on the chair tucked into the counter.

"here's our feast." minghao said, sitting down next to his partner, placing the plates in front of them. they lazily ate, minghao lightly kissing the boy's check.

"i'm sleepy." m/n drawled, leaning his head on minghao's shoulder. "do you want to brush your teeth?" minghao asked, brushing the boy's hair. "no, i want to sleep with hao." minghao giggled, picking up m/n, walking down the hallway and dropping their plates into the sink. minghao walked into their room, placing m/n under the covers. "goodnight hao." m/n yawned, cuddling up to minghao's side. "goodnight love."

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