first date-jisung (nct)

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m/n pulled down the collar of his shirt, a gold necklace laying down on his neck. he smiled as he looked into the mirror, putting on his watch. grabbing his perfume, he sprayed it over his body, placing it back down on his dresser. he slid on his belt, the buckle hitting his wrist as he closed it, his waist with a comfortable weight. m/n sighed, looking into the mirror.

he was nervous.

m/n's head was racing as he slipped on his socks, sliding his shoes onto his feet. rolling of the bed and onto the floor, m/n stared into his full length mirror, admiring himself.

he felt pretty.

m/n walked into the hallway, sitting down on his couch. he rocked his feet back and forth, waiting for a knock at his door.

he was nervous.

first dates always made him extremely nervous, even though he always felt confident walking into them.

m/n sat thinking, his head swimming in small anxieties and fluttery syrups of emotions.

and then he heard a knock at the door.

m/n picked his head out of hands, standing up from his couch. he walked forward, falling down onto the hardwood floor. pulling himself off his face, he grabbed the doorknob, his dates face greeting him.

"hello m/n." he smiled, a warmth filling m/n's heart.

"hello jisung." jisung held out a bouquet of flowers, m/n laying them in his hands. "thank you." m/n smiled, admiring the pretty plant. "let's go?" jisung asked, holding out his hand. m/n took it, walking out the door together. m/n closed the wood behind him, continuing down the road with jisung, their shoulders touching.


the two sat down at a resturant, menus in their hands. m/n eyes gazed at the food options, his mouth watering at each option.

"what should we get?" jisung asked, his hands holding up his chin. m/n smiled, looking at all the different choices, sighing. "i honestly don't know." the two laughed, placing down their menus.

"what would you like to order." the waiter asked, walking over to their table. "speak of the devil." m/n whispered, jisung snorting quietly. "um, we'll take," jisung looked at m/n whispering a quick help me. m/n laughed. "get whatever you want." jisung smiled, picking a few items to order.

the two smiled as their menus got picked up, m/n holding jisung's hand, lightly stroking it. "it's nice to be here with you." jisung blushed, putting his face on the table. "awww, jisung, put your head back up. i want to see your pretty face." jisung looked up, a bright blush on his cheeks, clearing his throat. "you didn't see that."

m/n and jisung continued to talk and laugh, waiting for their food to come out of the kitchen. "-i don't honestly know what happened." m/n laughed, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. jisung smiled, taking a sip of his drink.

"your dinner is ready." the waiter said, putting two plates full of food in front of the two. they thanked the waiter, taking out their silverware. m/n started eating, clearing his plate in a few minutes. "you full m/n?" jisung laughed, finishing the last bite of food on his plate. "nope, definitely not."

m/n took out his credit card, signing off on the check. looking back at jisung, m/n grabbed his hand, playing with the bracelet on his wrist. "cute." jisung whispered, returning m/n's card from the check.

standing back up from the table, the two walked outside, heading to a small park.


"this was nice." jisung said, swinging their hands as they walked along the path. "it was." m/n said, smiling brightly.

"should we do this again?" "definitely."


m/n lightly closed the door, hoping to not wake his roommate. he flicked on the lights, screaming as he saw what was on the couch.

"hello m/n." jaemin said, sitting on the couch. "what are you doing awake?"

"do you think i sleep?" jaemin asked, sipping from his cup, m/n assuming it was his deathly coffee. m/n rolled his eyes, sitting down on the couch.

"so how was your date?" "good." m/n said smiling. jaemin raised his eyebrows, lightly teasing him. "shut up jaem." m/n said, pushing m/n's shoulder.

word count: 733
status: unedited
original date of publish: 2/5/2023

it's crusty i know, don't tell me
happy jisung and taehyun day<333
i don't love this oneshot, but i'll edit it soon

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