obvious-joshua (seventeen)

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m/n turned on his phone, touching up the glossy liquid that laid just outside his lip. he put down his phone, gently sighing. he was hoping he wouldn't intrude on his boyfriend's live to early, but in his defense, he had a date scheduled before the birthday live was even a thought in the company's mind. grabbing a necklace, he slipped the cold metal around his neck, shakily clasping it. sliding on his rings, he picked up his jacket and exited the room.

quietly walking down the hallway, he tried to make sure his departure was unnoticed by any staff who may have been in the apartment. putting on his shoes, he slowly grabbed his keys from the bowl, creeping out the house, the door closing with a creak.


"i'm getting a call." joshua said, smiling at the name displayed.

who is it
probably someone from seventeen
maybe a friend?

"happy birthday shua!" m/n's sweet voice rang out from the speakers, joshua's heart swelling. "hello m/n." he giggled, a light blush on his cheeks. "i just left, so i'll hang out on your birthday live with you soon, ok?" "take your time, don't get hurt." "i won't get hurt. getting hurt is for bi- oh shit don't leave yet i'm coming!" joshua laughed at his boyfriend's sudden outburst. "you good?" he questioned, a joking smile on his face.

"yep," m/n panted, his voice breathy. "all good." joshua smiled, bringing the phone off of speaker. "see you soon." cleverly holding the phone in front of his lips, he whispered goodbye to m/n. "love you."


"i'm here!" m/n shouted, running through the door. joshua's heart dropped, his legs getting shaky under the table.

his boyfriend had come through the door, his hair stuck to his forehead, his outfit hugging the curves of his body, the jacket thrown loosely over his shoulder. his subtle makeup enhanced his beauty even more.

damn. he was in love.

"happy birthday!" he said, lightly running over, hands extended out, ready to hug the boy. wrapping his arms around m/n, joshua lightly rocked him back and forth. "thanks."

sitting back down, joshua motioned for m/n to join him, sliding over to make room. "say hi to carats." m/n smiled, sitting down next to joshua. "hello carats." m/n waved, slightly tensing at joshua's right arm going around his waist.

"i think it's time for cake." joshua announced to the camera. grabbing the candles, he delicately placed them in the soft came. m/n grabbed the lighter, quickly lighting the candles. turning off the burner, he set it down, raising his hands. they started singing, m/n lightly clapping.

seeing a candle start falling, m/n quickly lifted it back up, the hot wax burning his hand. joshua looked at him concerned, holding m/n's burnt finger in his hand. "are you ok?" he asked, looking into the boy's eyes. m/n nodded, a light blush on his cheeks. "okay." joshua said, placing m/n's hand down as he blew out the candles.

taking out the candles, joshua cut himself and m/n a slice of the beautifully decorated cake. "wow, this looks good." m/n said, grabbing his fork, lightly leaning his head on joshua's shoulder. patting down m/n's hair, joshua rested his head on top of m/n's, watching the boy eat the cake.

they're so cute omg i cant do this anymoreee
me and who?
omg i feel so single
dispatch where are you?

joshua chuckled at the comments, the fan's suspicions hilarious to him. "so cute." he read, agreeing. "who ever commented that is right. m/n is so cute." joshua lightly squeezed the boy's filled cheeks. "what?" m/n said, looking up at joshua, a little icing on the corner of his lip. "nothing." he said, smiling back.

the two ate their cake, joshua eventually sitting m/n on his lap, lightly bouncing his knee as his arms wrapped around m/n's waist. looking at his watch, a set of panic ensued.

"love, our reservations at 7:30, it's 7:15." he whispered, not wanting to be hears by the fans. "ok, let's get going." joshua turned to the camera, lightly waving goodbye. "bye carats, nice to see you." turning the live off, joshus beelined for m/n's lips, lightly licking the icing off. m/n blushed, pecking the boy's lips.

ruffling m/n's hair, he picked him up, bowing as he left the live room. "let's get going huh?" he said, grasping m/n's hand.

getting into their uber, joshua flipped through twitter, images of the live going around, the fans losing it. his phone buzzed, a text from his manager coming through.

"you are so obvious." joshua whispered, laughing to himself.

"i guess we are." he said, kissing the top of his boyfriend's head. he didn't care though. he would enjoy this date, and then they would end up drunk and go to m/n's apartment, probably making out a few times before going to sleep.

"i guess we are kind of obvious."

word count: 851
status: unedited
original date of publish: 12/30/2022

happy birthday shua!!!
i had this idea for a long time, but no idea who to write for. i originally chose heeseung for this, but joshua's birthday rolled around, so i decided to choose shua<3


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