touch starved-theo (p1harmony)

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m/n was craving theos prescence.

the long weeks without his partner were slowly turning him crazy inside. long tours, crazy practice schedules, and promotions all left theo away from m/n for longer than he appreciated. even though he missed his partner, m/n knew that was the conditions of his job. he wanted theo to get the well deserved rest and to not worry about him.

he found ways to get over his loneliness. clutching onto his stuffed animal tightly when he couldn't fall asleep, walking with a pillow and blanket so he could be warm. "i'm going crazy." m/n whispered, rocking back and forth, rubbing his arms. "i want to be with taeyang so badly."

a buzz came from his phone, m/n jumping up to grab it. the couple had planned to meet up later that day, and m/n was hoping they could.


m/n smiled happily, opening the messages




guess what?

m/n held his breath. after all the cancellations they had to make, he hoped they could meet.

we just finished practice!
you can come over<33

you better not be joking

i'm not
my shower is heating up rn

im runign

are you excited?

shit I cqnt brewth

be careful love

i wkll
fcek i jusr fell ocer mh dresder

stay safe please
i have to go now, but ill see you soon
byebye baby<3

i will
see you soon


m/n stood outside of p1harmony's dorm, knocking on their dorm. he was so excited. the door creaked open, theo's bright smile and wet hair appearing behind it. "taeyang!" m/n said, jumping onto taeyang, his partner stumbling backward. "hi baby." theo whispered, petting the boy's hair.

"eugh, stop being cute." intak groaned, cringing at the reunited couple exchanging multiple kisses. "they're in love intak." jiung sighed, putting his hand on his members shoulder.

"we're going to my room. don't bother us please." theo said, m/n clinging onto his arm. "don't fuck to loudly!" keeho said, theo flipping him off.

"baby." theo whispered, connecting their lips once the door closed. "taeyang." m/n said, pressing his body as close to his partner as he could. "i've missed you so much." theo giggled, petting the boy's hair. "i can tell. i've missed you too."

theo picked him up, placing him on the bed, kissing his forehead. "a real kiss please taeyang." he asked, theo giggling, connecting their lips. m/n smiled, their lips locking together like puzzle pieces.

it felt so nice.

m/n strangled any space between them out, their breaths aligning slowly, their lips moving to the music slowly. how nice it feels to have him close. to be in love. to exist in the same breath, same pace, slowly and then faster, a rollercoaster you never wanted to leave.

theo pulled away panting, his lips glistening, slightly larger than before. "i'd almost forgotten what it felt like to have you close." m/n nodded in agreement, clinging to his partner like a koala. "i forgot what it was like to feel so loved."

the couple's faces inched closer, m/n's hot breath swirling with theo's, theo's wet hair and floral conditioner filling m/n's nose. "kiss me." m/n closed the small gap, cutting through the centimeters of space like a hot knife, pleasure filling both boys' body. softly gripping onto theo's hair, they grew closer to each other, m/n straddling theo's waist. "love," theo whispered, m/n humming. "i'm so happy to be here with you." m/n pulled away, falling into the empty spot in his partner's arms, theo sighing in happiness as a piece of a puzzle clicked in place.

"you seem to be cuddlier than normal, huh baby?" theo chided, caressing the head of the boy who was digging his face into the chest of his partner. "shush taeyang." "what are you doing? trying to see how far you can crawl into my stomach?" "i'm trying to smell your shirt. i miss your scent.

theo smiled, repositioning his arms around the boy. "okay then. what do i smell like?" m/n giggled, taking a deep breath. "your neutral aftershave you always wear when you nick your chin while shaving, the jasmine body oil you wear so your skin won't dry out in the cold air. a calming cotton from the hair protection treatment you use." m/n went silent after his rambling, theo nodding his head in agreement. "that makes sense." m/n continued to rest his head on theo, aligning his breaths with his partner. "what about me?" "orange and cinammon. but you taste like strawberries. how strange?"

m/n slapped his hand over theo's smirking face. "choi taeyang!" theo kissed the boy's hand, biting on the finger that passed by his mouth. "i will leave." "no you won't. "you're right, i won't."

"hey hyung," intak said, opening the door. "oh shit, sorry, do you want me to come back later?" m/n removed himself from theo's hips, blush on their faces. "no, what is it?" "we're just going to order dinner and watch movie. want to join us or are you busy?" theo looked over at his partner, rubbing his back. "should we join them?" "why not?" "see you then." intak groaned, closing the door.

"ready baby?" m/n nodded, theo picking him up and taking them to the living room. placing m/n down on the couch, theo sat next to his partner, laying him over his lap. cuddling closer into theo's chest as the intro music to the first harry potter played.


"can y'all stop being cute?" keeho asked, jongseob giving a side eye to theo feeding his partner. "fine." theo groaned, pecking m/n's lips. jiung cringed, a shudder going down his spine. "what's wrong? want me to kiss you too?" theo said, inching closer to jiung's cheek, only to be pulled back by the boy on his lap. "mine." "i'm not trying to steal your boyfriend, don't worry."

"taeyang." m/n mumbled, theo humming in response, eyes trailing the screen. "i'm tired." theo looked down at the boy, rubbing his hair. "would you like to go back to bed or stay here?" "here." m/n sleepily responded with, clutching onto theo's arms. "i'll hold you. you just rest baby." theo grabbed a blanket, tucking the couple under it. the boys breaths turned into a comfortable rhythm, digging himself into theo's body. theo smiled, a tired glow on his face.

he always seemed to rest better with his baby.

"you're really touch starved are you?" theo asked, brushing the boy's hair, not surprised when he received no response"me too."

and soon, his tired breaths matched with m/n's, the movie playing as they entered dreamland, soft skin touching.

as close as they could be together.

word count: 1178
status: unedited
original date of publish: 4/18/2023
tags: zeptosis <3

thank you everyone for being patient!
im currently getting into testing season so i've been busy, but some new content is coming out next week

future notice!
may is testing month, and since i don't have many oneshot plans, most of the new content will be focused on finishing the books i have so i can focus on new projects coming up
don't worry, new stuff will still be coming out here!


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