baby fever-jeno (nct)

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"noona we're here!" m/n said, entering into couples house. her husband went over to hug them, a bag on m/n's arm. "m/nie, jeno, nice to see you." jeno smiled, holding onto his boyfriend's arm. letting go of jeno's smooth skin, m/n walked over to his sister, rubbing her back. "meet bae yejun." m/n smiled at his sleeping nephew, reaching out his hand before bringing it back to his arm.

"jeno, let's wash our hands." jeno smiled, walking over to the kitchen, m/n joining him, washing his hands. the couple walked back to the couch, m/n putting his hand on yejun's foot, his heart melting. jeno reached over, clasping onto the baby's hand. yejun's fingers clasped around one of his fingers, a bright smile on his face. "i can't function he's so cute." jeno squeaked, m/n chuckling.

m/n sat against jeno's chest, his sister placing the newborn in his arms. "how are you doing noona?" m/n asked, his sister letting out a deep side. "okay. very tired." jeno smiled, rubbing m/n's arms. "sorry we couldn't be then when you went into labor." the couple had been out of the country for a friends wedding when they got the panicked message from m/n's brother in law about his wife going into labor. "it's okay. he came a few days early anyway."

the couples sat and chatted, m/n and jeno spending time with their nephew. laughter was shared, m/n rubbing the sleeping baby's back.


"he's just so cute." jeno whispered, holding onto the sleeping baby, placing a pacifier in his mouth. "i love how you are so excited about the baby." "i am." jeno smiled, his eyes full of glitter.

"come here baby." m/n walked over, leaning against jeno's shoulder, holding onto the baby's foot. his sister and her husband were sleeping on the couch, the couple taking care of the baby so the new parents could rest.

yejun's tired eyes opened up, jeno's finger being held. "are you awake cutie?" jeno cooed, yejun letting out a gurgle. looking over at m/n, jeno smiled brightly, trying not to scream.

"i love him so much i can't function." m/n giggled, brushing jeno's hair. "do you want one?" jeno nodded, m/n kissing his lips.

"maybe your wish can come true."


"i want to have a baby so badly now." jeno begged, the couple walking down the street towards the subway. "i know love." "i just want to start my family with you." m/n blushed, putting his head on jeno's shoulder. "i want to start my family with you."

the couple walked in silence, stores passing by them. "i want to marry you. you know that right?" m/n smiled, squeezing jeno's hand. "i know love. and i'm all ready." the couple giggled, jeno pecking his lips.

"no way." jeno gasped, looking over at a shop. "what is it?" letting go of m/n's hands, jeno dashed to the entry of the shop. reading the sign of the small store, he gasped, his eyes shutting. "jeno don't you dare." he screamed, running after him.


they walked around the store, jeno looking at baby clothes while m/n followed him around. "look at these cute shoes!" jeno said, holding up a pair of infant shoes. "they're so small! smaller than one of my fingers." m/n laughed, kissing his happy partner's ear. "put them down baby."

jeno pouted, not wanting to let them go. "but-" "jeno." putting his hands around the shoes, jeno walked to the counter. "i'm going to buy them." "lee jeno. put the baby shoes down." jeno groaned, stomping back to the display and putting them down. "i did this for you. know how much i love you." m/n rolled his eyes, pecking jeno's lips.

"do you need any help looking for things?" a worker asked, walking up to the couple. "actually-" "we're fine. thank you." m/n smiled as jeno pouted, the worker walking away quickly.

"we have to go jeno." m/n said, brushing m/n's bangs, kissing his lips lightly. "okay." he said, rolling his eyes and walking out the door.

"jeez, look what i have to deal with."


as the key turned in the lock, jeno slugged into their apartment and walked into their bedroom, m/n sighing. "jeno, baby." m/n said, jeno closing the door and changing into causal clothes.

m/n joined him in the room, taking off his shirt and shorts, placing off his leisure wear. jeno sat in his bed, pouting. "baby come here." jeno pouted, m/n walking over to the bed. "baby look at me." the sulking boy rolled over, tunneling under the covers. "lee jeno." jeno slowly turned around, m/n wrapping his arms around him. "what's wrong?"

jeno sighed, kissing m/n's forehead. "i just want to have a little kid so badly. imagine having a mini me? i think we would take care of them so well. please-" m/n cut off jeno's rambling by kissing his lips, jeno rubbing his hands through m/n's hair.

"we're so young. we both just turned 23 love." jeno pouted, tucking his head into his partner's chest. "i know. i just think we could be good parents." m/n sighed, kissing jeno's forehead.

"let's just wait a little longer my love."


the couple entered their apartment, a blanketed bundle of joy in m/n's arms. "welcome home baby minjun." jeno whispered, placing their items on the couch.

4 years after the initial conversation of children, the couple had finally decided to get ivf and have a baby through a surrogate. "we've waited so long for you baby." jeno cooed, cuddling his son. "dad's been waiting for you."

m/n smiled, kissing jeno's temple. "your dad's been begging me for a long time to meet you, huh? i think he's happy now you're home." "i'm very happy." jeno smiled, kissing his two love's foreheads. "thank you so much." m/n giggled, pressing there lips together. "we finally get to meet our bundle of joy."

lee minjun. the cure to jeno's baby fever.

word count: 1028
status: unedited
original date of publish: 4/23/2023
requested by: Kpop_Geek_Duh <3

happy jeno day!
jeno father culture, yes or no
(correct answer is yes)
i need to sleep so i can recover from being sick and also watch the svt comeback
i have my first exam on tuesday so wish me luck


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