first sight-seoho (oneus)

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seoho was in shock.

the group was promoting erase me and somehow this beautiful person had escaped his gaze until that night. "he's so pretty? for what?" seoho muttered, intensely watching the stage of the rookie group.

"who?" xion said, coming up behind him. "no one." seoho said, clearing his throat and straightening out his outfit, blush on his ears. "okay then."

turning his attention back to the screen, seoho smiled. the idol on screen had amazing dancing and incredible vocal capabilities. "how is he just a rookie? he seems like an older idol who's been there for years."

and seoho knew.
he was going to find out who that talented guy was.


opening his laptop, seoho scrolled through the music bank list on soompi, clicking on the group that had the idol in it. "oh, g/n. they debuted under ist." he said, searching up the group.

"wow, m/n l/n, born in 1996. main vocalist and dancer. training since 2017. debuted in 2023." seoho leaned back, impressed at the simple things on his profile. "i should text sangyeon."



what seoho

do u know someone named m/n?

yeah! we trained together and
he debuted a few weeks ago

oh, i find him cool

you like him don't you


i can bring him the next time
we hang out

yes pls
i would kiss u

please don't
i can see if he's free tomorrow
if ur schedule is open

i think it is

alright then
see you tomorrow!

see you tomorrow sangyeon!

seoho sighed, turning off his laptop.

and maybe he walked with a little more pep in his step as he walked to his bed, tucking himself under the covers, a smile on his face as he fell asleep.


seoho woke up, picking his best outfit from his closet and walking out the living room. "whoa, someone is in a good mood." leedo said, taking a bite from an apple. "i'm hanging out with sangyeon. i'll be back later."

"wow, that's a quick goodbye." keonhee said, seoho flipping them off before closing the door, running down the stairs and onto the street. walking among people going to work, he turned into a cafe, sangyeon and the betrothed m/n sitting at a table.

skipping the cashier, he went to join the two, their conversation stopping. "seoho!" sangyeon smiled, hugging the boy quickly. "seoho, this is m/n." seoho bowed, m/n smiling. "hello!" "hi, i'm seoho from oneus." "i'm m/n from g/n."

the group engaged in simple conversation, seoho falling even more for m/n's sweet voice and heart melting smile. he could barely function, casting glances toward him, sangyeon teasingly smiling. "shit." he said, checking his phone. "i have a schedule. i need to head out. feel free to stay!" sangyeon said, grabbing his bag and quickly bowing, m/n and seoho waving goodbye. a silence started over the table, blush appearing on seoho's face.

this wasn't awkward.

"i-" "how- no you can go first." m/n said, seoho laughing. "can i get your number, you know, to hang out again?" "sure." taking out his phone, m/n handing seoho his phone, seoho texting him. "i should go to dance practice. i'll see you soon?" m/n asked, seoho happily nodding.

after m/n left, seoho happily tapped his feet, suppressing a squeal.

he was so happy.


the two had hung out a few more times, seoho finally gathering the courage to ask m/n out. standing in the mirror, he fixed his dress shirt, spritzing perfume on his neck.

"wow, date?" hwanwoong asked, seoho sighing. "yes. i really like him. i'm super nervous." "you'll be fine hyung." he said, patting his shoulder. the doorbell ring, seoho panicking. "shit, that's him."

seoho ran to the door, hugging m/n happily as he appeared. "m/n, ready to go?" seoho asked, connecting their hands. m/n nodded, the duo happily walking out, making their way to the location of their date.

seoho could barely breathe.


his insides were going to explode. the duo was walking in the park, happily chatting. "it's nice to have a little break." m/n said, seoho smiling. "i'm glad you're having fun." "shit, it's almost midnight. i need to get back."

"alright then." speed walking back to m/n's dorm, seoho smiling happily. reaching the building, seoho connected their hands, making their way to his floor. "so, i guess this is goodbye." he said, now in front of m/n's dorm. "i guess so." taking a deep breath, seoho looked straight at m/n, opening his mouth.

"can i kiss you."

silence filled the room, m/n nodding. "i would be extremely happy with that." walking towards m/n, seoho grabbed the side of his face, caressing his cheek. "you're so beautiful." "are you going to kiss me?"

smiling, seoho connected their lips, m/n melding into his body. pulling away, seoho grinned, m/n lockingtheir lips again. and sure, maybe this second kiss turned into more of a makeout session, seoho and m/n's lips fitting together like puzzle pieces.

pulling away, their lips glistened, a bright shade of pink. giggling, m/n hugged seoho tightly, leaving another kiss on his lips before grabbing the doorknob. "see you soon?" m/n said, seoho nodding. "maybe one more kiss." he smiled, leaning in one more time.

opening the door, m/n waved goodbye, seoho smiling. "bye seoho." "bye m/n." the door shut, seoho running down the hall, squealing. he knew the feeling now.

love at first sight.

word count: 933
status: unedited
original date of publish: 6/7/2023
suggested by: -DYTY11 <3
inspired by: gothkyu 's fruity <3

happy seoho day!
i love this sm
i should sleep
and no, i do not make fun of this trope then use it
im a fair man


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