artist-kevin (the boyz)

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tw! cursing, s*x jokes

paint tubes laid over the floor of the art students shared dorm, his canvas on the easel in the small living room. "i swear to god if i have to redraw this line i will casually throw this from the ninth story window and never go to class again."

kevin groaned, throwing his head back In annoyance as he messed up the line for the 7th time. "thats it. i'm withdrawing. fuck this school, fuck this major, fuck my classmates."

"wow you want to fuck me? i feel so honored." a voice said, the door closing behind them. kevin turned around, his roommate entering the dorm. "bet." kevin said, getting out of his chair. "i'm topping."

m/n looked at him in shock, scoffing, putting his hand over his chest. "actually i'm topping." kevin looked the boy up and down, laughing. "either i'm topping or we're not fucking." "um no, either i'm topping or we're not fucking." "i guess we aren't fucking." "i guess we aren't fucking." m/n sighed, throwing his shopping bag down on the floor. "we aren't fucking!" m/n screamed, walking down the hallway.

"shut up!" someone from down the hall yelled, a slipper hitting m/n's head. the two started laughing, entering the dorm, closing the door behind them.

"ow, my head." m/n whined, rubbing the invisible lump. "aww, do you want me to kiss your booboo?" kevin asked, wrapping his hands around m/n's waist, kissing his head. "ewww what the hell kevin." m/n whined again, running away onto the couch. "what you don't like boyfriend kevin?" "no, bring best friend kevin back."

"too bad!" kevin screamed, running over to the couch. trapping m/n, kevin tickled the boy, loud shrieks leaving his mouth. "not so fast!" m/n giggled, throwing kevin from above him to under him, placing a kiss on his lips. "i got your paint." he whispered, kissing kevin's cheek. kevin threw m/n off of him, grabbing the shopping bag. "wow, a thanks would sure be nice."

"damn, these are fancy." kevin gasped, sorting through the different colors of paints. "only for you babe." m/n said, laying down between the couch and coffee table. kevin giggled as he took his new art supplies to his canvas, placing his paint down. "don't you have to finish the sketch first?" m/n asked, leaning on kevin's shoulder. "hush. sketches are for losers." m/n laughed, grabbing a soda from the kitchen.

"ok, i see, calling your boyfriend and best friend a loser." kevin turned around, pencil in my hand. "your my loser." "awww." m/n sarcastically cooed, opening his soda can. "anything else?"

"you're my sugar daddy." "kevin!" "what, i'm not wrong."

m/n rolled his eyes, sitting down on the chair next to kevin. "you have a nice idea." he said, tracing the pencil lines with his finger. "when's it due?" "friday." kevin groaned, his head laying on the edge of the easel. "it's ok love." m/n giggled, rubbing the boy's hair. "i'll make some dinner and you can paint." kevin nodded, picking up his pencil and continuing his sketch. m/n walked over to the kitchen, turning on the two's favorite playlist. beyoncé and rihanna filled the small dorm, m/n boiling a pot of water while kevin started painting.

the two sang along, m/n pouring the noodles into two bowls, bringing it over to the in progress art. "dinner's ready." m/n sat down on the stool, giving kevin his own bowl. "thanks." kevin said, kissing m/n's forehead.

"you got a lot done." "i definitely was not speed painting." "don't lie to me." "i never lie." kevin grabbed his paint brush, poking m/n on his cheek, a blue dot being left behind. "what the fuck?" m/n asked, grabbing a different brush, leaving a light purple dot on his boyfriend's face.

the two giggled, pecking each other on the lips. "love you my artist. you've painted my heart."

word count: 666
status: unedited
original date of publish: 2/14/2023

part 1 of 4 of the valentines series
i love artist kevin and i found this cute
enjoy the next three oneshots<3


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