good (xdinary heroes)

474 16 9

tw! angst and cursing

"i don't understand why you're so angry seungmin!" m/n asked, moving his hands away from his head annoyed. "i feel like you're not supporting me! i understand that we're both busy, but i feel the amount of effort i'm putting in is not given back to me in return." taking a deep breath, m/n sat down, grabbing seungmin's hands. "why do you feel like that?" "i don't know." he said, putting his head down, tears coming from his eyes. "you're never home. you shy away from when i give you affection. is it not enough? am i not perfect?"

he had started crying, m/n pulling him into a hug, seungmin pulling away. "don't touch me please." seungmin begged, tears pouring from m/n's eyes. "i don't think you love me anymore." he cried, clumping down with his head in between his legs.

"but i do love you seungmin. i'm sorry i haven't shown it." "you were my fairytale m/n." seungmin whispered, m/n stopping his train of speech. "you were my fucking fairytale. why can't you be like it." clicking his tongue, m/n tried to control the bubbling feelings in his stomach. anger, annoyance, and sadness. "i'm not a prince who can save you, even though i try to be." "i know that! and i'm sorry that i put you on that pedestal!"

standing up, seungmin grabbed his jacket, walking to the front door. "babe-" m/n said, seungmin smiling weakly. "please just-" he struggled to get out, taking a deep breath through the tears. "just give me time." "i'm sorry." m/n said, getting up. "don't be please. it'll be better if we take a pause." he sighed, opening the door. "bye." seungmin cried, shutting the door behind him.

"fuck!" m/n screamed, accidentally knocking his water glass off the counter. going down to pick up the shards, he groaned as the glass cut his hand, blood dripping down his palm. tears fell from his eyes, the pain traveling through his body.

but what hurt more was nobody to comfort him for the pain, leaving m/n to bandage it by himself, saying it would be okay.


seungmin had nothing to do.

he laid in his bed, gray sheets covering him as tears slipped from his eyes. everything he felt was good enough. did he sleep well? good enough. did you eat well? good enough. even if he wanted to stay home, he continued onto work to get the money until he could take the time off.

it was his fault he felt like this.

he didn't want to take a pause. he couldn't keep his fairytale alive. m/n looked like perfect from afar, why wasn't he up close? chuckling, seungmin turned over. he knew why. a person couldn't be perfect. but m/n was pretty damn close.

sighing, he turned over again, feeling the tears bubble up once more. "i'm sorry." he choked out, feeling hot water fall over his face. the door opened, jiseok entering, looking around for something. "seungmin have you seen my charger- oh shit are you crying?" wiping his face, seungmin sat up, looking his roommate dead in the eye. "no." nodding his head, jiseok pat his shoulder, smiling. "oh. well, dinner is ready." getting up, seungmin grabbed his knitted blanket and hoodie, following jiseok out the door and sitting at the table.

"hello seungmin." gunil said, putting a plate in front of him. seungmin barely acknowledged it, nodding his head before digging in. "are you okay seungmin?" jungsu asked, seungmin stopping. he didn't expect that. "good enough." slamming his chopsticks down, jooyeon looked straight at seungmin. "stop with the good enough shit." "calm down." hyungjun said, taking another bite from his bowl. "sorry but no! seungmin's my friend and i actually need to know how he feels!" "i feel like shit! i feel like shit! is that what you wanted?" the room when silent, tears bubbling in his eyes.

"it's alright-" gunil said, patting his back. "no! it's not! i paused my perfectly okay relationship because i didn't think my partner was what i expected him as! i'm fucking stupid!" breathing heavily, jungsu grabbed his glass of water, seungmin regretting what he said. "i-i'm sorry. i don't know where that came from."

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