makeup artist-mingyu (seventeen)

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"morning m/n." one of his coworkers said, m/n going to his station and laying out his supplies, still not awake yet. "good morning eunjoo." he yawned, he arm resting on the chair. "have you gotten the references?" the head of the makeup artists asked, scrolling through her phone. "yes ma'am." the replied, giving her a light bow.

"good morning my favorite people!" someone said, bursting through the door. "how are you so full of energy at 7am wooseok?" m/n groaned, rubbing his eyes for the umpteenth time in the few minutes he had been standing at his work area. "i have no clue. i barely got any sleep." he replied, placing his materials at the station next to m/n's. m/n yawned again, slapping the side of his face. "i'm going to get breakfast. anyone want anything?" "latte for me." eunjoo said, looking down at her phone, reaching back to grab her laminated refrence sheet. "an iced americano please." "i got you." m/n said, walking out the door with his wallet and id in hand.

m/n walked to the company cafe, his id hung around his neck. "2 croissants, 1 chai latte, 1 latte, and 2 iced americanos please." the cashier smiled, putting the items in the register. "that'll be 21,000 won." m/n took out his card, groaning to himself as he inserted it into the chip reader. "if this keeps up everyone is going to have to pay for their own drinks." "here's your receipt. just wait for your order number to be called." "thank you." m/n said, walking to sit at one of the many open tables.

"m/n? is that you?" a voice said, walking over to m/n's table. "soobin?" infront of him was 5 tall men, nerves running throughout his body. "nice to see you." "hello." m/n bowed, the idols greeting him happily. "you should come style us again." beomgyu begged, kai nodding along with agreement. "i work with seventeen." he sheepishly said, not wanting to see the people get disappointed. "but if i get asked to go when you need someone, i will." yeonjun smiled, patting his shoulder. "thanks."

"number 526, your order is ready!" m/n bowed, waving goodbye as he went to grab the drinks and food. "thank you." he bowed, walking out of the cafeteria and toward the styling room.

"i'm back!" m/n said, placing the drinks down on each persons work area, getting small 'thank yous' in response. he placed the two croissants and drinks on his workspace, taking a sip from his drink. "can i have this?" wooseok asked, picking up the second croissant. "no! i'm saving it." "for who?" eunjoo asked, wooseok putting the croissant back down. "mingyu." eunjoo lowly whistled, wooseok smirking. "you two have gotten closer." "really?" m/n blushed, rubbing the nape of his neck. "is anything going on?" the duo walked forward, wanting to hear what he had to say. "no. nothing is happening." the group rolled their eyes, disappointed that there was no gossip they could here. "what are you doing?" the supervisor said, walking to her seat. "nothing mrs. kim." the all said, m/n organizing the makeup on his desk. "seventeen is coming soon, so make sure you're ready." "yes mrs. kim."


"good morning." the 13 men said as they walked through the door. "thank you for being here this early." seungcheol said, sitting down at his chair. "no problem," eunjoo smiled, unrolling a towel. "hi m/n." mingyu smiled, pinching the boy's ribs as he sat down. "hello gyu. the coffee and croissant are for you." m/n's heart pumped faster at the childlike expression on mingyu's face, happily taking a bite out of the breakfast. "eat cleanly." m/n scolded, wiping crumbs away from his lips, poking his full cheeks. "fine." he mumbled, the noise being inaudible.

"here you go." m/n whispered, clipping mingyu's long hair back and away from his face. mingyu smiled, kissing m/n's wrist. "what the hell?" m/n grumbled, mingyu giggling. "angry babe?" a hand was slapped over mingyu's face, anger sewn onto m/n's face. "your band members will hear you." he seethed, mingyu smirking playfully. "so what? you're mine." m/n groaned, applying the cleanser onto mingyu's face. he cleaned his partners skin lightly, a shine coming to it. "ooh, my face feels clean." "good." m/n whispered, pecking mingyu's ear as he leaned over to raise the chair. "hypocrite." "shut."

"do i look nice?" mingyu giggled, m/n blending out the light foundation. "yeah, you have a nice forehead." "is it sexy?" "extremely." m/n deadpanned, mouth hanging partially open as he blended the concealer. "ooh thanks." he replied, smaking m/n on the hips lightly. "stop moving!"


the room was silent as mingyu was one of the last ones finishing up makeup. "hey gyu, we're going to get some food." woozi said, patting him on the shoulder. "alright." he mouthed, m/n focusing on layering the eyeshadow on his partner's face. "can you stay still for a little bit gyu?" m/n asked, mingyu silently nodding.

mingyu watched his boyfriend in concentration as he blended the makeup out, his tongue poking out of his lips, m/n's messy bangs falling into his face. mingyu felt his ears turning red, drawn in by m/n's beauty. "i want to kiss you so badly right now." he whispered, m/n not concentrating. "me too loverboy." he leaned forward, tucking the bangs behind m/n's ears. "i know you aren't listening." m/n stopped what he was doing, looking into mingyu's eyes. "i will quit my job." "no don't leave me!" he whined, hugging m/n around his waist. "that's what i thought." m/n said, picking his brush back up, adding small amounts of shimmer to the boy's eyes.

"there you go pretty boy, you're almost done."


"mingyu stop moving." "i want a kiss!" the boys had moved to a different area of the small studio, m/n trying to apply mingyu's lipgloss while mingyu hung onto m/n's wrist. "loverboy i have to put on your lipgloss and then we're done, ok? stop moving please." "kiss me." m/n groaned, rubbing the pouting boy's hair. "someone might see." "please?" mingyu begged, m/n giving in. he quickly applied the gloss to his own lips, placing them against his boyfriend's. mingyu happily kissed back, wrapping his arms around m/n's waist.

"that's enough." m/n said, pulling away, shimmer on his own lips. he quickly touched up the gloss, adding some more to mingyu's lips. they walked out of the other area, coming back to 12 pairs of eyes on them. "why were you guys back there?" cheol questioned, blush resting on both of the boys cheeks. "better lighting." mingyu replied, jun staring at him in disbelief. "okay, then why does m/n have the same lipgloss on as you." vernon said, a smirk on his face as m/n's face fell. "testing it out before i put it on him.

"okay, go run along now, your filming starts soon." m/n said, walking back to his station. "my place tonight?" mingyu asked, hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "yep." m/n replied, yelping as mingyu hit his butt as he exited. "bye gyu!" he waved, wooseok walking to him. "are you sure there is nothing going on?" he asked, m/n rolling his eyes.

"yes! i'm just his makeup artist."


"i really think something is going on between them." soonyoung said, drinking from his water bottle. the group had just finished filming and mingyu was nowhere to be found, along with his stylist. "they're so obvious, it's almost embarrassing." minghao said, leaning up against the wall.

a large thud came from behind the wall, followed by familiar giggles. "is that-" "yep. mingyu and m/n in the storage closet." wonwoo sighed, readjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. soft moans started coming from the other side of the wall, loud kisses being given. "oh i don't want to hear this." chan said, covering his ears, sticking his head between his legs. "i agree." seungkwan said, following chan in his footsteps.

"i don't think mingyu's coming home tonight."

word count: 1378
status: unedited
original date of publish: 4/6/2023

happy mingyu day<33
both stylist names i used were just names i had pulled out of my reserves tbh
idek what this was, but i loved writing it
idk i guess like soft smut (if you can even call it that i hate smut) had intrigued me ig
ok bye before i ruin my reputation


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