secret-minghao (seventeen)

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tw! cursing, mentions of s*x (nothing graphic) inappropriate jokes, hickeys, alchohol, kissing
note: this is a more steamy oneshot and might not be everyone's favorite. please skip if you feel uncomfortable<3

minghao walked out of his room, sneaking down the hallway and out of the door.

silently leaning against the door, minghao slid down the wood, taking his phone from his pocket. opening his messages, he clicked on his boyfriend, panting heavily.


did u get out
from ur dorm without
getting caught?

i should be there soon!

i'll see you soon love

see you soon<333

minghao turned off his phone, stepping up from the floor. he stood up, standing up quietly, waiting to hear if anyone was coming before walking down the hallway and going into the elevator.

he spam pressed the button, walking through the open doors. he sighed as the heavy metal doors closed, no complications happening within the few seconds.

walking out into the lobby, he put on a mask, not wanting to be recognized. walking outside of the glass doors, he started walking down the street, weaving in between club goers and drunk people stumbling around on the concrete.

he pulled out his phone again, checking the location of their meetup. minghao sighed, continuing down the road, taking a right to see the chosen bar, pulling down his mask as the sign came into his view.

"hao!" m/n waved, button down shirt and dress pants adorning his body. "love." minghao said, running over and lifting the boy from his thighs. the two connected their lips, minghao slowly spinning them around.

"ready to go in?" minghao asked, putting m/n down, lightly patting his butt. "sure." m/n said, pulling to two inside. a scent of vanilla and orange filled their noses, the couple sitting down.

"what would you like?" the bartender asked, leaning up against the bar. m/n ordered two cocktails, minghao stroking his boyfriend's thigh lightly.

the two started to drink, giggling with each other. "i've missed you so much." m/n whispered, putting his face up next to minghaos, kissing his lips. "i've missed you too. i'm sorry we still have to sneak around." m/n lightly brushed minghao's hair, blush on his giddy face. "i don't care as long as i can spend time with you."

the two connected their lips again, lightly kissing each other. separating, the two got another drink, the liquor adding to their daze. minghao's head was full of joy, his tipsyness sloshing around as he gripped onto his boyfriend's thigh. the two took drink after drink, before minghao had forgotten what number he was on by the time the next shot was down his throat.

"baby," m/n slurred, standing up, wrapping his hands around minghao's neck. "kiss me." minghao connected his lips with m/n's, alchohol running through their bodies. minghao disconnected the two, m/n pouting at the loss of connection. "we'll continue when we go home."

minghao signed off on the receipt, m/n wrapping his hands around his boyfriend's waist. the two left, minghao's hand strongly grasping onto m/n. "my apartment?" m/n asked, his signature drunk smile flashing across his lips. minghao nodded, continuing to walk to the close building.


the two entered m/n's apartment, minghao's hand clutching m/n's. he slammed the door, m/n connecting his lips with minghao's again. minghao giggled, locking the door he was pressed up against.

"you're so cute, huh?" m/n proceeded to kiss minghao, a smile laying across his lips. minghao continued to lightly giggle, picking his boyfriend up, his hands traveling down to m/n's thighs.

the two walked into m/n's room, minghao lightly placing m/n down on the bed.

"it's nice to spend time with you." minghao whispered, continuing to kiss his boyfriend.


minghao woke up, the lights entering his eyes, a headache pounding through his temple. he looked over, his boyfriend's bare chest meeting his face. minghao lightly kissed m/n's bare shoulder, grabbing his phone from the end table, checking the time.

m/n turned over, clutching minghao's chest tightly. "good morning love." he whispered, caressing m/n's hair. "what time is it?" m/n spoke, his voice groggily vibrating against minghao's torso. "9:34." m/n mumbled, minghao rubbing his neck. "speak up love." "you need to get ready to go home." "no." "hao, your roomates are going to worry." "fine." minghao sat up, cradling m/n in his arm. "get up with me?"

m/n climbed onto minghao's lap, resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. minghao giggled again, picking him up and walking to the bathroom.

minghao placed his boyfriend down, looking into the mirror. hickeys littered each of their necks, eye bags adorning minghao's eyes. minghao grabbed two headbands placing them on both of their heads. he grabbed a cleanser, placing a little in both of their hands.

they washed their faces, giggling to each other. minghao splashed water on his face, grabbing m/n's cheeks, giving a little kiss on his lips. "would you like me to leave you here? i'll be back later after i go to class." "no, i can take you home."

minghao giggled, kissing his boyfriends damp face. they walked back to m/n's room, grabbing a new pair of clothes, quickly changing into them. minghao picked up m/n, giving the boy a piggy back ride. he grabbed m/n's keys and his phone, running out the door, m/n giggling with joy.


"i don't want to say goodbye." m/n whispered into minghao's hoodie, wrapping the boy in a tight hug. "i'll see you in a few hours love. don't worry." he gave his boyfriend a light peck on his forehead and walked away, waving as he entered his dorm.

he felt a shoe hit his face.

"minghao where did you go?" jun yelled, the rest of his friends sitting on their couch. "we went to bed and when i woke up you were gone!" minghao rubbed his head, a mild headache returning. "i was at my boyfr- i was at my cousins."

"at 3am?" vernon asked, giving minghao a large side eye. "doesn't seem right to me." joshua asked, taking a sip from his sparkling water. "fine, i was hanging out with someone. not going to say who."

"alright, alright, we won't bother you." "is that a hickey?" jun asked, pointing the the purple mark on minghao's neck. "nope, i just got hit with a spatula." "how? you literally don't cook." jun asked, walking forward.

"um, um, bye!" minghao yelled, grabbing his bag and running for the door and going back into the hallway. "m/n wait for me love!" he asked the boy at the elevator, crashing into his boyfriend.

"what the fuck did i just witness?" vernon asked, jun putting a hand on his shoulder.

"that my friend," he paused. "is hao having a secret boyfriend."

word count: 1140
status: unedited
original date of publish: 3/15/2023

this was... something
i'm sorry for people which this stuff isn't their cup of tea. it really isn't mine either but i thought i would try it out
next oneshots will be normal<3


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