crashed date-jay (enhypen)

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there was a problem.

a big problem.

"hyungie pick me up." the little boy whined, making grabby hands toward m/n, holding a sleeping child. lightly picking the boy up and setting him on his knee, m/n pulled out his phone, dialing jay's number.

"what's up darling?" jay asked, his voice flowing through the phone. m/n's head went buzzing, not knowing what to start with.

"a little bit of a problem." he said, his nephew playing with his hair. "my sister brought her kids over." m/n sighed, sitting the little boy down as he readjusted the sleeping baby in his arms. "i can't go on our date tonight."

you could hear the pout in m/n's voice. he had been looking forward to this. he had been looking forward to their night out for the longest time, and m/n was distraught that they wouldn't be able to go through with it.

"it's ok love," jay said, laughing. "we can always reschedule. i would be fine with hanging out at your house today." m/n smiled, slowly rocking the baby back and forth. "are you sure?" "i'm always sure aren't i?"

the two laughed, m/n not wanting to deny that statement. "see you soon?" m/n asked, getting excited. "see you soon."


"oh m/n, oh m/n, let down you golden hair!" jay said, knocking on the door. m/n laughed, grabbing his keys and unlocking the door, opening it to see his boyfriend. "oh my disney prince has come to save me from this nightmare." m/n gasped, falling into jay's arms.

"hyungie!" his nephew shouted, running to the door. m/n smiled, leaning down to grab the boy. "is my little n/n happy?" he asked, placing the kid on his hip. "who's this?" he asked, pointing at jay, whose arms were wrapped around m/n's waist.

"this is my boyfriend." m/n said, booping his nephew's nose. "boyfriend?" he asked, his finger on his cheek. "yep." jay said, a proud smile on his face. "is he coming to play with us?" he asked, a joyous smile on his face. "yep, quick go inside! a monster is coming!"

the two screamed, running inside the apartment. jay chased after them, closing the door, roaring. "i'll get you both!" he screamed, wrapping his arms around m/n's waist. "go run away n/n!" m/n said, putting his nephew down on the floor. jay continued to chase after him, quickly scooping m/n's nephew in his arms. "i got you!" he singsonged, lightly placing him down on the couch.

m/n's nephew giggled, his baby brother in a small carrier on the other side of the room. "come here darling." jay said, holding his arms out. m/n walked over, leaning his head on jay's shoulder, jay wrapping his arm around m/n. grabbing his face, he placed a quick kiss on m/n's lips. "cutie." he whispered, brushing m/n's hair down.

"look at the time n/n, it's time to get your pajamas on." m/n said, walking over to his nephew and putting him on his waist. "will you and jay get your pajamas on too?" he asked as they walked into their bedroom. jay turned to look a m/n, a bright smile on his lips. "sure we will! i'll even make you dinner, even better than m/n's cooking." "jay!" "kidding darling."


"you look adorable." jay said, kissing m/n's forehead for the umpteenth time. the two were standing in front of m/n's mirror waiting for his nephew to finish changing. "you look cute too." m/n said, placing his lips on jay's. the two kissed in front of the mirror, jay clinging on m/n's waist with m/n's hands around his shoulders. their lips lightly moved around each other, m/n smelling jay's deep cologne, his hands playing with the color of his satin pajamas. "you're so beautiful darling." jay said, pulling away, his lips swollen.

"hyungie i'm done changing!" m/n's nephew called, closing the bathroom door. m/n and jay stepped away from each other, m/n picking up his nephew. "i see," m/n giggled, booping his nephew's nose. "you look so handsome."

jay walked up behind the two, lightly squeezing m/n's shoulder. "ready for dinner?" jay asked, looking at the little boy. "yay!" he cheered, putting his arms up. "let's go to the kitchen!" jay said, lightly picking up the boy from m/n's grasp, putting him on his shoulders.

m/n smiled, walking out the door a few seconds later. he entered the living room, jay and n/n picking out something for dinner. jay held onto m/n's nephew gently, putting a spatula in his small hand, lightly moving around the contents.

he felt happy.

m/n walked over the small cradle, grabbing the baby from it. he smiled, lightly tickling the baby's foot. m/n walked over into the kitchen, opening the fridge, grabbing one of the bottles of food. walking back over to the stove, m/n kissed jay's nape, putting the dinner into three bowls.

walking over to the couch, m/n sat down, readjusting the baby in his arms. the baby started crying, m/n rocking him slowly, placing the formula bottle in his mouth. "dinner's here!" jay said, holding the two plates and n/n as be walked to the couch. "thanks." m/n smiled, taking the plate from him.

the four continued to eat, m/n struggling to put the food in his mouth. "want me to feed you?" jay asked, holding up his chopsticks. m/n smiled, opening his mouth. picking food from m/n's plate, jay placed it in m/n's mouth, m/n closing his mouth and chewing. "yummy." he said, scooting over to sit next to jay.

"i think they're asleep." jay whispered, the two kids soundly breathing, m/n smiled, leaning against jay's shoulder. "we should tuck them in." jay and m/n stood up, putting the baby in the crib, walking into the small guest room, tucking the little boy under the covers. jay wrapped his arm around m/n's waist, lightly kissing his lips. "let's go to sleep too, huh?" he asked, opening the door.

the two walked into m/n's room, tucking each other under the covers. "y'know, you're pretty good with kids." m/n said, his arms around jay's waist. "i am, ain't i?" jay smirked, his hand on m/n's thigh. m/n rolled his eyes, lightly kissing his lips. "go to bed." jay laughed, rubbing m/n's back, kissing his forehead.

"i'm serious though. it's pretty cute." "it's because i take care of you, my little baby." m/n sighed, cuddling his head into jay's chest.

"love you darling."

word count: 1136
status: unedited
original date of publish: 1/23/2023

idk what this is
i've been unmotivated and my mental health has not been best, but i think it's getting better, so expect some new content


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