roar-hyunjae (the boyz)

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"goddamn, these photos look amazing." m/n said, legs swinging behind him as he sat on his couch.

"the quality's so good too, they really hired a good photographer." m/n gazed over the photos, his boyfriend and his friends concept images radiating from his phone.

a phone call popped on his screen, m/n answering it. "babe come over." "hello to you too hyunjae." "babe come over." "jeez i will, calm down."

"so, how you doing?" "good. i was looking at your concept photos again." there was silence over the line. "anything you want to say about me?" "what do you mean?" "like, do you, you know, find anything different about them." "i don't get what you mean."

"do i look hot?" m/n blushed, becoming flustered. "i-" "go on." m/n paused, taking a deep breath. "yes. you look hot." "yes! thats what i wanted to hear! younghoon, imagine, m/n called me hot."

"hyunjae!" m/n whined, stuffing his head into the couch. "alright, see you soon." "i hate you." "love you too!" m/n hung up, his face a deep red.

"god sometimes i hate you hyunjae."


m/n walked outside of the house, beanie on his head. he entered the small 7/11, looking around for snacks to bring to the party. soft music played, m/n tilting his head to the beat.

"have you watched the boyz's new music video." a girl asked her friend, the two walking up to the counter. "no not yet. what was the title track again?" "it was roar." m/n laughed, grabbing multiple chip bags from the shelves.

"i've heard it's really good." "hyunjae looked so good this era." titling his head, m/n grabbed ice cream from the small freezer. "i wish i didn't agree with you, but he did look hot."

the friends left the shop, m/n walking up to the counter. dropping his items, m/n took out his wallet, paying for the items.

"thank you." he said, taking the items and leaving the convenience store. he started on his walk to the dorm, the cold air whipping around him.


"m/n's here!" haknyeon yelled, the guys in the house walking to the entrance. "it's nice to see you." sangyeon said, giving m/n a hug. pulling away, m/n locked eyes with hyunjae.

"hey, you're handsome. do you have a boyfriend?" he said, walking over to m/n, wrapping his arm around his waist. "yeah. kevin." "bet i'd date you any day babygirl." kevin replied, biting his lip.

"damn." hyunjae said, pinching the inner skin of m/n's arm. "too bad, you're my boyfriend now." m/n laughed, walking into the living room.

"where can i put these?" he asked, jacob pointing to the coffee table. placing down the snacks, he walked over to the kitchen, putting the ice cream in freezer.

"m/n." "what younghoon?" "you did not buy ice cream in almost freezing weather." "what if i did though?" "then you're crazy."

"younghoon he's already crazy. he dates hyunjae, but i'm still single?" eric chimed in from the living room, eating a gummy worm. "that's offensive eric. how dare you." hyunjae said, putting a hand over his heart. "calm down you child." m/n chided, sitting down on his boyfriend's lap. "m/n you're heavy." hyunjae whined, wrapping his hands around m/n's waist, kissing his neck.

"disgusting. juyeon, can you turn on the tv." chanhee said, giving the duo a side eye. "i agree." changmin agreed, grabbing a lollipop from the table.

"the music video should be dropping soon." sunwoo said, checking his phone, reloading the lage until the 'roar' thumbnail popped up. "sangyeon-" "yeah i see it."

the intro music started, the thirteen boys' eyes' following the tv. "shit that chorus choreography is cool." m/n exclaimed, lightly mimicking it. "wow you're such a good dancer m/n." hyunjae chided. "quiet." m/n said, covering his boyfriend's mouth with his hand, focusing on the music video.

"eww what the fuck?" m/n complained, wiping his hand on hyunjae's sleeve. his boyfriend giggled, looking at the screen.

"damn." m/n whispered, hyunjae's face popping on the screen. "what?" chanhee said, chugging a soda. "nothing nothing."

"no no no, don't lie to us." haknyeon said, pausing the ended music video. "he's blushing." "it's genuinely nothing." m/n laughed, a blush on his face. "no come on, tell us m/n." "yeah, tell us m/n." hyunjae said, fluffing m/n's hair.

"you just look attractive ok." m/n said, jumping up from the couch. hyunjae walked around to m/n, pecking him on the lips. "i know."

"shut up."

word count: 778
status: unedited
original date of publish: 2/21/2023

stream roar for good music
my personal bside rn is diamond life
thank you for #1 in the boyz<33
it's hard to believe how far we've come
more stuff coming this week

byebye and thank you you sunflowers<3

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