first skate-sunghoon (enhypen)

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m/n was nervous. he was starting to regret his decision.

"come on babe, i know you'll have fun." sunghoon said, tying his skates, looking up at his boyfriend. m/n looked blankly at him, thoughts of fear and nerves going through his head. "m/n, it's going to be fine. i'm going to be here the whole time, skating right next to you." sunghoon grabbed m/n's hands, enveloping them in warmth. "but if you don't want to go, you can choose something else that you want to do." he smiled brightly to m/n, trying to comfort his on-edge partner.

m/n thought about his options. he had wanted to try ice skating for a while, and sunghoon had given him the opportunity. he was jut scared of falling over. "i think i want to try." he said, looking straight into sunghoon's eyes. sunghoon gleefully kissed the boy's cheek, sitting next to him.

"do you need help lacing up your skates?" he asked, clutching onto m/n's hand. "i think i'm fine." m/n said, sliding on his skates. grabbing onto the laces, he started tying, the knot getting continuously stuck around his fingers, "sunghoon," "do you need that help?" sunghoon asked, rubbing small circles on the boy's hand. m/n nodded, sunghoon getting on the floor to level with the skates.

taking the laces in his hands, sunghoon tied them, making sure they were not going to untie on the ice. sunghoon looked up, grabbing the boy's hand, bringing it up and leaving a quick kiss on it. "are you ready?" he asked, standing up. m/n nodded, taking sunghoon's hand.


"alright, grab my hand." sunghoon said, stepping onto the ice. m/n reached out, shakily grabbing his hand, his feet going on the slippery surface.

"oh shit!" m/n said, slightly slipping, clutching onto sunghoon's shoulder. sunghoon's eyes widened, his arms clutching his, stabilizing the boy. "are you ok?" he asked, grabbing the boy's hands. "i'm fine. the ice is just, you know, a bit slippery."

sunghoon chuckled moving a bit from the entry to the ice. "alright, let's get this skating class under way."


skating for the first time definitely wasn't easy. m/n kept slipping and sliding on the ice, falling over multiple times. "here babe, try moving your body weight from one foot to another' sunghoon demonstrated the technique, looking sophisticated by just standing there.

shakily picking up one foot, m/n tried to move his body weight to the other, planting his other foot on the ice.

he didn't slip.

he tried again, placing the other foot on the ice, shifting his body weight over again.

he had succeeded again.

it turned into a cycle of m/n placing his feet up and down and up and down until he looked like a waddling polar bear taking it's first steps. sunghoon giggled, slowly skating up to m/n.

"you look so cute." sunghoon said, his voice breathy with laughter. m/n smiled, continuing forward on his journey.

m/n glided across the ice, covering a large portion of the slippery surface. a bright smile was plastered upon his face as he felt confident for facing his fears.

"look sunghoon! i'm doing it!" he said, turning around to look at his boyfriend. m/n started waving aggressively, trying to catch sunghoon's attention. sunghoon waved back, proud at his boyfriend. "honey watch out!"

m/n tilted his head, confused.

then he hit the wall.

he fell to the floor, landing on his stomach, moving a few meters away, the ice dragging on his shirt. sunghoon skated over, coming to a stop right in front of m/n. leaning down, he grabbed m/n's face in his hands. "are you alright babe?" he asked, brushing his hair away. "i'm fine love." m/n said, slightly nodding.

"here, grab my hand." sunghoon said, standing up with ease, giving out his hand. m/n lifted himself up, falling into sunghoon's arms. "here," sunghoon said, intertwining his fingers with m/n's. "grab onto my hands and you can skate yourself along."

getting ready to continue, m/n looked up, nodding his head. sunghoon stepped back once, making room in between them. m/n started skating, his steps pushing sunghoon backwards. m/n laughed, his joyous look making a bright smile appear on sunghoon's face. "you're doing it honey!" he said, watching as m/n brought them around the rink.

the two skated and skated, m/n finally being able to let go and successfully glide on the ice without any assistance.

taking off his skates, m/n sat on the side of the rink, his feet dangling off the edge. he was silently drinking from a bottle of water, watching his boyfriend joyously skate around.
"m/n! hi!" sunghoon yelled, his body gliding around. "hi sunghoon!" m/n replied, waving at the boy.

sunghoon came closer skating right between m/n's legs, wrapping the boy in a hug. pecking m/n on the lips, sunghoon wrapped him in another embrace.

"thank you for trying your first skate with me."

word count: 852
status: unedited
original date of publish: 12/26/2022

thank you for the request Kpop_Geek_Duh <3
i enjoyed writing this a lot
my sunghoon obsession might overtake jay soon
thank you for 200 reads and 71st on kpop oneshots<3
that's all for now


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