nerves-taehyun (txt)

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"taehyun hyung, you should just tell him." huening kai said, his arm lazily linked with the older boy's. taehyun sighed, the continuous pressure of his crush weighing on his shoulders. "yeah, but-"

"but what? you're too scared?" beomgyu chided in lightly bumping his friend's shoulder. taehyun groaned, throwing his head back. "just shut up guys." he whined, seeing soobin's tall stature walk along the crowd. "why don't you just ask soobin hyung to talk to m/n about it." huening said, lightly rubbing taehyun's shoulder. "no! that would be even worse!" the friends laughed at taehyun's sudden outburst, the warning bell ringing in their ears. "come on guys, let's get going." taehyun said, speeding ahead of his friends, walking into the classroom.


taehyun nervously tapped his pen against the table, the droning of the teacher setting the larger part of his brain to sleep. his mind was spinning in a cocktail, the words and feeling flooding into a sugary sweet taste, sharp enough to knock him off his stone throne. he was searching the room, eyes lighting up as he saw a bobbing head a row in front of him.


he could go on and on about the things m/n made him feel.

the way his eyes lit up when he was happy, taehyun imagining yellow stars flying out of the warm eye smile. the way he always listened to music, his earphones always a reach away, even during classes. how he was kind to everyone he met, lightly holding out a hand for taehyun when he fell. m/n was like a cartoon, taehyun's eyes drawing small hearts and glowing stars whenever m/n moved. soobin introducing the two was the day taehyun realized that he was screwed over.

he was going to fall in love.

taehyun's eyes seemed larger, bright lights shining in them, a pointing sign screaming "he's in love!". his stomach flipped over whenever m/n came into his vision, m/n's body radiating a special light only taehyun could see. the euphoria was so overwhelming that it made him dizzy, causing him to avoid the boy so he wouldn't ride a jolting rollercoaster of endorphins.

"taehyun." beomgyu whispered, poking him with his pen. taehyun continued lazily staring at m/n, his eyes glazing over in happiness. "taehyun." beomgyu whispered again, poking him relentlessly with his pen. "taehyun look at me!" he whined, trying not to be heard by the teacher. taehyun's eyes looked over at beomgyu, glaring at him, mini curse words popping up around his face.

"mr choi, mr kang, is anything wrong?" the teacher said, looking back at the two. taehyun's eyes fell back to his open journal, beomgyu putting his pen to his notebook page, speedily copying the board. the teacher looked away, getting back to teaching whatever unimportant information the lesson was about. in his peripheral vision, he saw a small piece of paper slide over his desk. glancing at beomgyu, he saw the boy slightly glancing back, his eyes edging him to open the note. taehyun rolled his eyes, looking back at the section of paper.

you should ask him out

taehyun lightly laughed at the note, quickly scribbling a reply.

no, are you crazy?

beomgyu smiled, a mischievous grin on his face.

yes very
but ur so obvious TT
y'all would be so cute together<3

taehyun rolled his eyes, pushing the note back to beomgyu.

in 100 years

beomgyu giggled, pushing the note back to his friend.

i need someone's love life to be emotionally invested in :')

taehyun sighed, this note making him lose his mind. "whatever." he mumbled, looking at his blank notebook page. normally he would be a productive student and take notes, but sometimes the sweet mixture dripping in his head overtook his sensible thoughts. he sighed, lightly sketching on the paper.

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