Flowers For Potential Heartbreak

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Hiiiiii! This one-shot is slightly angsty. I originally made this a few months back (Before TTT actually) when I first thought of creating this book. My sister; Ireland, chose this prompt out of all my choices, so thanks to her.

Love that you guys enjoyed the Headcanons, now please... enjoy!

Mentions: You have 2 moms in this story, because that's awesome. But "Mama" died before the story took place.

Y/n's POV

Dear Journal,

Hey, It's me again. Today is Scabuary 7th, one week from "Valentine's Day" as Luz calls it. It's a human holiday to celebrate love! As you know, Luz is a dear friend I go to school with, but also my Crush's little sister. It was all a great day, still got my good grades, got to see Hunter, no bumping into Boscha for once, all good... until Final period of Bard class. Let me explain...

Hunter Clawthorne, I've known him for a long time, or at least feels like a long time. He's my Best Friend and Bard class partner. He's sweet and kind, charming and super smart, and down right Handsome. He's everything, except I have never said anything to him except for anything dealing with class. Although I occasionally drop a few hints and get a little flirtatious towards him, he seems to flirt back.

Today, in class, our Professor wanted us to use our music to "charm" our Partner with Flowers. Certain notes were provided by each instrument that perform that specific "flower charm" that must be used along with a Melody of your own, or mostly your own. Of course since Hunter's favorite flower was a Lilly, I was gonna make the song sprout Lilies!

We were over in an uncrowded part of the classroom together. Hunter was writing down some notes and I glanced over at his work and I noticed that that song he was doing had some very familiar notes. "Hey Hunter?"

"Yeah?" He acknowledged.

"Would you mind playing those notes? I'm just wondering about something and I would like to hear your play them," I said.

"Oh! I-Um... Of course!" Hunter stuttered, accidentally knocked his flute over the desk. It clambered on the floor, causing the Teacher to look over. "Sorry, sir. Just clumsy."

I chuckled. He picked up his flute and played the notes. As he played the mesmerizing tune, realization hit me, it was the same tune I heard my Mom play to Mama when I had snuck out of bed one day as a child! They were dancing with each other in the living room and I stood behind a wall glancing over the stairs. They were so happy and peaceful enjoying each other's company, that night. But, it has been a while since she's been that happy.

I went to speak about the song when I felt a very weird sensation in my throat and I started to feel awfully nauseous. Hunter looked over at me, noticing my pink face. "Y/n, are you alright?"

My face turned more red and I felt like I was gonna hurl! I raced out of the classroom and headed for the bathroom. Thank god one was nearby, but I wasn't prepared for what was gonna come next.

I couldn't make it to a stall so my head was over the sink. I felt super dizzy so I held the sides of the sink to hold me still. I felt that weird fuzzy sensation in my throat and that's when I closed my eyes and hurled. I didn't want to look but my head was telling me to look and that's when my eyes met Pink-colored Lilies and small droplets of Blood. Oh no!

------ Small Time Skip Brought to you by: Hunter playing Minecraft ------

My Mom came to pick me up from school. When we got home, Mom called the Healing Coven for someone to come over to check-up on me. Luz had come by just to say that Hunter hopes I'm well and that she hopes I feel better soon.

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