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Author's Note: Oh dear... It's been a long fucking while since I did a one-shot and I'm so fucking sorry. Getting back into the groove of school has been a nightmare and I'm suffering in time. My calculus class is practically failing, my homecoming is coming up, and I'm burnt out from studying for ACTs and College Prep. But, I have made time today officially, for Hunter and You! 

Template for SFW Alphabet came from Tumblr, thx: 

A=Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show it?)

Hunter is shy at first, very timid when it comes to affection. He has trouble receiving it because of trauma, however he will give it to you till his heart is content (AKA NEVER). He wants to make sure you are loved to the fullest at all times. Since he is touch-starved, he craves to give you hugs and kisses as much as possible, but on special occasions expect small but meaningful gifts.

C=Cuddles (Do they like cuddles? When/How do they give them?)

Hunter isn't accustomed to cuddles at first and is nervous to give them. Once comfortable with touch, he needs them non-stop! Cuddles while watching Steven Universe and Amphibia are the best. He prefers you resting on his chest so he can feel your soothing breaths, heartbeat, and see your soft features as you try not to fall asleep on him. He'll run his fingers through your hair and whisper sweet nothings to you.

F=Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)

Hunter gets committed to you pretty early on in the relationship. He understands how young you both are and is willing to wait as long or as short as you wish even when you are of adult age. However he has trouble bringing up the subject of marriage because he still feels you might think he isn't the one.

G=Gentle (How gentle are they, physically & emotionally?)

Hunter under his Golden Guard persona was used to not being gentle and to not back down under any circumstances, but you brought that guard down definitely. So physically he may be stronger than most, but emotionally he's gentle as hell!

J=Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How jealous do they get?)

Hunter claims that he never gets jealous, not really. It's kind of true, however some thoughts do get to him more than some days. Let's say he gets more anxious when you're around other people that aren't your normal group of friends, but not overly jealous.

K=Kisses (What are they like? Where do they kiss you? Where do they like your kisses?)

Hunter's kisses are soft and tender most of the time, however your first kiss was a little more hasty and quick to try and get a point across because of how oblivious you may have been. He loves to give you kisses on your forehead, hands, and lips. He prefers cheek kisses or on the bridge of his nose where his scars are.

O=Openness (When do they start revealing more of themselves? Fast or slowly?)

It's a slow burn to get every single detail of Hunter's past depending on if you met him first outside the coven. You both are friends still at the point in which he reveals more of himself to you, but you don't force him to tell you anything. Comfortability is most important in the situations.

Q=Quiz (How much do they know about you? What little details do they remember?)

You know that Hunter remembers every single stinking detail! He is precise and particular about those adorable actions that you do during situations, both bad and good. He knows mostly everything you tell him and every now and then he'll bring up some long lost memory you told him just to make you laugh or impress you with his memory.

S=Secure (How Protective are they? Do they like your protection?)

Hunter is definitely over protective, however that doesn't mean holding you back either. He's extremely cautious, especially after he left the Emperor's coven. But if you protect him, he thinks so highly of you, you look hot as always when protecting him. Although he insists that he didn't need your protection.

W=Whole (Do you make them feel complete?)

Absolutely! When Hunter met you, he didn't know he had felt incomplete without you. As you grew in your relationship, he grew to appreciate you as much as possible and he relays the message every so often that he feels complete with you in his life.

X=Extra (Random Relationship Headcanon)

Hunter has definitely used cheesy pick-up lines on you, but it's more to see you smile and hear you laugh rather than any other reason to use them.

Z=Zzz (Sleeping Headcanons, Habits?)

Hunter has horrible nightmares for a while after the events of Belos' demise. You are always there to comfort him and give extra cuddles. When you eventually get into the same bad territory, you learn that he tends to snore a small bit and secretly moves closer to you after you fall asleep.

(Published 9/17/2023)

Thanks for Reading.

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