A Double Surprise: Lumity One-shot

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Author's Note (At the Time of Writing this): Hiiiiii. Lately I've done a lot of Huntlow and specifically Goldie writings, but I figured I should branch out and write my first Lumity one-shot! I hope you enjoy! I hope y'all had an amazing Xmas!

PS: That is my artwork, plz don't steal.

Luz's POV

Today was May 21st. It was the anniversary of Amity's and my first kiss together, 8 years ago. I planned to take Amity to the Beach in the human realm where we had our first date together. We had gone swimming and drank milkshakes, of course mine had soy milk since I'm lactose intolerant.

A few days beforehand I went to the beach over by the docks. I made sure to pin down our favorite Rainbow picnic blanket and set up some fairy lights on some nearby poles left up. I also made sure to make some food to celebrate the anniversary. But to make it even more special, I was planning to propose to my long-time girlfriend.

We had thought about it together long and hard, and we decided that we were finally ready to take that next big step in the relationship. We were both scared to actually go out and finally put a ring on it though... But Mama helped pluck up the courage in me and I finally bought a beautiful ring with amethysts and pink sapphires. It was something small so it was affordable of course, but it was the sentiment behind it that mattered. Which meant it was so much more than the price of any object in the world.

"Sweet Potato! You ready to go?" I shouted up the stairs of our house.

"Coming Batata!" Amity yelled back. She was rushing to put on her jean jacket with patches and was in a hurry to tie up her painted converse. "Almost done!"

I saw Amity slip something into her pocket, but I didn't see what it was, so I didn't think too much about it. I grabbed the ring box and slipped it into my pockets and grabbed some of the food. Amity slipped into the passenger side of the car I had and placed a lavender blindfold over her eyes.

She lifted the blindfold a little bit, "What's this for, Luz?"

I blushed a little in panic, "Oh, well, it's a surprise for the date!"

"Really? Ok," Amity understood.

I hopped into the driver's seat and drove to a pit stop along the way. I stopped at the milkshake place I had taken her to as well to grab our favorites. Mine was a plain vanilla with a cherry on top, meanwhile hers was strawberry with whipped cream. Then I continued off to the beach.

"How much longer, Batata? Are we almost there? I'm starting to get a little impatient," Amity complained with her arms crossed.

"Don't worry, we're here. But I gotta set a few things up real quick," I explained.

I pulled into a parking spot and turned off the car. I grabbed the food and raced off to the small spot I claimed on the beach, next to the docks. I fixed the rainbow blanket, and pinned up the lights correctly. I set down the food and placed the milkshakes beside them, and ran back to the car.

"Ok Amity, ya ready?" I asked opening her side door.

"Yes! I'm super excited!" Amity jumped.

I placed a hand on her lower back and one on her shoulder to guide her so she didn't hurt herself. She was wobbly on the hills and the sand, but we made it. "Ready? 3...2...1..."

I removed her blindfold and her hands cupped over her mouth and nose. "Oh... My... Titan!" Happy tears welled in her golden eyes, she turned around and jumped on Luz in a tight hug. "This is so beautiful! You remembered our first date together! I love it so, so much, Luz! I love you so, so much!"

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